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Stop biting your nails

Stop biting your nails

Nail biting is often done unnoticed, so it is difficult to break this addictive habit.

You are probably familiar with the well-known bitter anti-bite nail polish. You have probably also discovered that all your food tastes bitter and the nail polish is no longer bitter after a few bites.

How do you stop biting your nails?

  • Discipline is, as often, one of the most important ingredients. If you really want something, it's just that little bit easier to stick to.
  • Paint your nails in a beautiful color. It would be a shame to bite them off then.
  • Hooks are very tempting to bite off. Therefore, make sure that your nails are as smooth as possible. Preferably always put a nail file in your bag. As soon as you have a hook or crack in your nail, file it straight.
  • Let the people around you know that you want to stop biting your nails. If you are biting unnoticed, they can warn you.
  • Reward yourself when things go well, with a nice color nail polish for example.
  • Consider how much dirt is actually under your nails. You don't want to put that in your mouth, do you?
  • Seek distraction when you're most likely to bite. Chew gum, squeeze a stress ball, or sit on your hands.
  • If nothing works, have fake nails put on. These are so hard that biting is almost impossible. Keep in mind that your nails are weaker after removing fake nails.

Think of those beautiful longer nails.

How did you stop biting your nails?