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Do facial exercises to reduce wrinkles

Perhaps now you're thinking:facial gymnastics? What is that? And why should I do that? There are many reasons why you should train the muscles in your face. Firstly, it works against wrinkles and skin aging and it also makes you happy. That in itself is a very good reason to start. Petry from Super radiant says you can even do the exercises in the car in a traffic jam. Can you see yourself doing that already?

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How do wrinkles arise and what can facial gymnastics do for you?

From the age of 30, the production of collagen decreases and less elastin fibers are produced. This will cause the first wrinkles and the skin will slowly start to slacken.

What can you expect at what age?

  • 25-30 years smooth and firm skin
  • 30-39 years the first signs of skin aging
  • 40+ years rapid aging due to volume loss
  • 50+ years less elasticity and more wrinkles
  • 60+ years further loss of volume and contours

Wrinkle formation is a natural process in aging the skin, but also partly genetically determined. The latter does not mean that you cannot do anything about it, but the hereditary predisposition does have a major influence. In addition, lifestyle, diet and the sun also play a role in the development of wrinkles and skin aging due to stress can be a possibility. Fortunately, you can improve your skin with facial gymnastics.

Where do the first wrinkles arise?

  • The corners of your eyes , the so-called crow's feet or laughter lines
  • Forehead, horizontal lines on your forehead
  • Between the eyebrows, the frown lines
  • Cheeks, wrinkles can also appear on the cheeks
  • Between nose and lips, the barcode
  • Around your mouth, in the corners of the mouth

What can you do against your wrinkles with facial gymnastics?

You can train your facial muscles just like you can with the muscles of your body. A difference is that the muscles in your face are connected to the skin and therefore the skin also immediately benefits from the muscle exercises. The facial gymnastics ensures that the muscles become thicker and shorter and therefore you can return volume to your skin. In other words; the skin is filled up again, this time not by collagen but by muscle volume.

Your skin gets better blood circulation through facial exercises and muscle exercises. This has the advantage that valuable nutrients are supplied to the skin and the waste products are better removed. Your skin will therefore glow and you will also be less bothered by impurities, such as pimples and blackheads.

Also take your lifestyle into account

As you know, lifestyle also determines a beautiful and radiant skin.

  1. Protecting your skin from the sun is the most important tip in the fight against your wrinkles. You can't start early enough with this! UV rays penetrate deeply into the skin and break down elastic fibers in the connective tissue. As a result, wrinkles can quickly appear on the face and décolleté. By properly protecting your skin, you can delay the appearance of wrinkles. Provide a good day cream with SPF, preferably with SPF30 in the summer, the rest of the year SPF15 is enough.
  2. Don't sleep on your stomach. According to research, sleeping on your stomach can cause permanent frown lines. Sleeping on your side can cause wrinkles in your chin and cheeks.
  3. Keep your skin hydrated. Dry skin is more sensitive and easier to damage. Use a facial cleanser that is not aggressive. It is meant to cleanse your skin and not unbalance the natural protective layer. This protective layer has a barrier function and you want to keep it in balance and not disturb it.
  4. Your eating habits are more important for your skin aging and wrinkle formation than you might think.
  • Avoid sugars: these are real wrinkle formers. Sugars bind to the collagen and elastin fibers and as a result, your skin becomes less flexible and wrinkles appear faster.
  • Eat good fats: fats rich in omega-3 fatty acids ensure a beautiful supple skin. You can find these in oily fish, nuts, seeds and legumes. So put them on your weekly menu.
  • Food rich in antioxidants: present in fruits, vegetables and green tea. They have a good influence on wrinkle formation. They help neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals, so that the collagen in the skin remains intact as much as possible.
  • Stop smoking † Of course you already know that smoking is bad for you, but it also creates more wrinkles. Smoking promotes the breakdown of connective tissue in the skin and therefore causes more wrinkles.

Facial gymnastics, how what and when?

When you get started with facial gymnastics, it is very important that you train the muscles of your face on a daily basis. That ensures the best result. As with everything, hold on! Every day. If you train only 'a little', you will only get 'a little' result.

The nice thing about these facial exercises is that you can do them anytime and anywhere in between. You don't have to spend extra time for it. We are all busy and it is useful that you can do an exercise at a 'lost moment'. For example, when you're on the toilet, or in the car in that annoying traffic jam, or in line at the supermarket (yes, even then!), in the evening on the couch, in the morning when you wake up and you don't have to get up right away. You can probably think of more moments for the facial gymnastics.


It also makes you happy. In the beginning, it is best to look in the mirror when you do the exercises. You can then see how you are doing the exercises and whether you are doing them correctly. Looking at yourself in the mirror is likely to make you smile. Laughter produces happy chemicals in the body, such as serotonin and oxytocin. That will make you feel better and that will make you happy. It can be that simple!

Do facial gymnastics really work?

Research shows that facial exercises have a positive effect. By practicing for 30 minutes every day, 20 weeks in a row, you will look about 3 years younger on average.

Petry has noticed this herself. Usually people estimate her to be about 5 years younger; for her the best proof that facial gymnastics together with a healthy lifestyle really works!

She has been giving workshops and training courses in facial gymnastics for years. She also has a great mission with her blog:she inspires with tips and insights from her own life, so that you too stay healthy, young and radiant with a smile. Over 40 and fabulous!

On her Youtube channel you can find many exercises, such as this video with a facial gymnastics exercise against the 'barcode' between nose and lips. You train the ring around your mouth with this exercise. The so-called sphincter muscle, it is not attached to a bone or to the skin, but is located in the tissue. That is why it is also called a sphincter. This oral sphincter becomes thicker through training, so that the skin is filled up again and the wrinkles are less visible. It will also ensure that you get fewer drooping corners of the mouth. Also by smiling a lot you prevent drooping corners of your mouth.

By doing this exercise daily (you can even do it several times a day) you will notice more and more that the ring around your mouth is firmer and the lines fade. Get started with this facial gymnastics and notice the difference. Make it a habit. If it's in your system to do this exercise daily, just like your other habits, such as brushing your teeth, cleaning your skin, or starting the morning with a glass of water, then you can start doing multiple exercises. There are exercises for all the muscles in your face.

Good luck with training! And let Petry know what you think in a comment below!