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A powder to improve your skin and reduce wrinkles, does that work?

What are you doing to tackle your wrinkles? There are countless methods, from facial gymnastics to collagen powder. But does that work, such a powder? That is of course the first thing I think of when I open the first collagen powder bag. That was over 14 days ago. I can imagine you think the same, which is why I am happy to tell you how I like the collagen powder from RevitalTrax.

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Collagen powder to improve your skin and hair from within

Even though I still feel so young, my skin clearly shows that I am getting older one day. That young fresh face of about 10 years ago has made way for a somewhat more lived-in look. I can live with it, but I think it's a shame. Certainly also with a view to the future. My mother had quite a few wrinkles and if I only got a little of that, then I can have fun. That is why I am curious about the effect of collagen powder to improve your skin from the inside.

If you read around on the internet, you know that smearing a cream with collagen is much less effective because it does not penetrate as deeply into the skin. A collagen powder drink should then do its job much better since it is absorbed from the inside. So I'm putting it to the test.

What exactly is collagen?

Collagen is a protein that your body produces naturally. About 30% of all proteins in your body consists of collagen, so not unimportant. Collagen supports your skin, hair, cartilage and tendons. In short, collagen actually provides firmness throughout your body.

Why do you need extra collagen as you get older?

From about the age of 30, the collagen production in your body changes. Every year you lose about 1.5-2% and after your transition another 30%! I was shocked when I read that. Because I am now not only a year older, but also early in the menopause. And that turns out to have an extreme effect on your collagen production. No wonder my mother had so many wrinkles… she was also very early in the menopause.

Anyway, if I think about it, my natural collagen production is now half what it used to be. So it's high time to absorb this with collagen powder.

Breakdown of collagen through your lifestyle

In addition to the fact that your body produces less collagen as you get older, there are also a number of things that immediately break down the collagen in your body:

  • smoking is not only very harmful to your body, but also breaks down collagen
  • sugar; fast sugars attach to the collagen, which damages it
  • sun also causes collagen breakdown

You want to benefit from your body's own collagen for as long as possible, so it is important that you avoid the above. And of course you use a good sunscreen as much as possible.

RevitalTrax collagen powder

As mentioned, I have been using the RevitalTrax collagen powder for a few weeks now. For the time being, I'm not going to tell you any miracle stories, but I do dare to say that I notice slight differences. My facial skin seems plumper and tighter. That - together with all the positive reviews I found on the internet about this powder - gives me great hope!

Placebo Research Collagen Powder

The manufacturer of this patented collagen powder has conducted a placebo-controlled study. The effect of the collagen powder on the group using RevitalTrax and the group using a placebo powder was checked among 114 people aged 35-65 years. The RevitalTrax group appeared to notice a reduction in wrinkles after 4 weeks and after 8 weeks this reduction was 3x as much as in the placebo group. That's positive, isn't it?

The RevitalTrax Anti-Aging Collagen Complex for skin, hair and nails appears to have a positive influence. And that with the use of one bag of collagen powder per day.

Extra additions to this collagen powder

In addition to the fact that the powder contains collagen peptides building blocks that are absorbed faster compared to other collagen powders, a bag of RevitalTrax contains other building materials. Biotin has been added as an extra enhancer for hair, nails and skin. But a special form of Vitamin C has also been added, the so-called Ester-C, which supports the immune system and helps to restore skin quality.

Other positive effects of this powder

In addition to seeing wrinkle reduction, there are other positive effects that are mentioned:

  • inhibits skin aging, reduces wrinkle depth
  • reduces pores in the face
  • reduces cellulite on legs and buttocks (also welcome)
  • less hair loss
  • delivers beautiful strong nails
  • more color and shine on your face and some more volume

Collagen powder review RevitalTrax

At the moment I am not yet at the stage where I can really say with clarity that my wrinkles are greatly reduced. But that is not so strange, I have only been using the product for 2.5 weeks and it is actually recommended to use it continuously for 48 days for the best results. So I'll keep going and keep you posted!

I can also inform you that I do not think it is drinkable in combination with water 😉 . So I use it in combination with fruit juice. In the morning I always grab some yogurt with fresh orange juice and put the bag through it. Then I don't taste it! You could also add it to a smoothie.