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5x why pumpkin is healthy for you and you should eat it more often!

Pumpkin:you like the taste or not at all. I am crazy about pumpkin myself, but I didn't know that this vegetable is so healthy. However, there are quite a few health benefits to eating pumpkin. This vegetable contains many valuable nutrients that help you to keep your body healthy. Purefigure has listed for you here why pumpkin is healthy.

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The 5 reasons pumpkin is healthy

Sure, pumpkin is a vegetable, and we all know that vegetables are healthy. But not everyone knows what is so specifically healthy about pumpkin. We're going to tell you.

1:Rich in beta-carotene

Pumpkin is known for being high in beta-carotene. This is a substance that functions as an antioxidant. The beta-carotene is converted in your body into vitamin A. Beta-carotene is therefore also called provitamin A.

Thanks in part to the beta-carotene, pumpkin helps you to keep your eyes healthy. A diet rich in this nutrient reduces the risk of age-related eye diseases. Pumpkins also contain vitamins C and E. These are also good for the health of your eyes.

The provitamin A from pumpkin is also good for your resistance. Good to know now that we're heading back to fall! Vitamin A helps your body fight bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

2:Good source of vitamin C

Besides the fact that pumpkin is healthy because of the vitamin A, the vitamin C also plays a role. We mainly know this vitamin as the indispensable vitamin for a strong immune system, but this vitamin also does more for us.

Some important functions of vitamin C are:

  • It is an antioxidant and it protects our body cells against oxidative stress.
  • The absorption of iron from plant foods is improved.
  • Vitamin C is crucial for healthy collagen production.
  • It contributes to strong bones and teeth.
  • This vitamin is necessary for the production of certain neurotransmitters and neuroreceptors.

Vitamin C also plays its part and contributes to a healthy pumpkin.

3:Pumpkin ensures healthy and youthful skin

Do you also fanatically apply creams for firm and youthful skin? Eating pumpkin regularly may help much better. The beta-carotene it contains helps to protect your skin from the inside out against sun damage, which is an important cause of skin aging.

In addition, the vitamin C from pumpkin supports the production of collagen. This is a type of protein that you need for strong connective tissue. Healthy collagen production benefits, among other things, your bones, cartilage, blood vessels, teeth and gums.

Collagen is also essential for your skin. The middle layer of your skin, the dermis, consists largely of collagen. This collagen ensures that your skin remains firm and elastic. Is your collagen production declining? Then you will get lines and wrinkles sooner.

4:Healthy intestinal flora and bowel movements through fiber

When you eat pumpkin, you get a lot of fiber. These fibers contribute to healthy bowel movements and help prevent constipation. They also benefit your intestinal flora, because they serve as food for the friendly bacteria in your intestines. By 'taking care' of these bacteria, you reduce the risk that the bad bacteria in your gut will get the upper hand.

This balance in your intestinal flora is important for your bowel movements, but also for your immune system, the absorption of nutrients, a healthy weight and protecting your body against toxins. Enough reasons why pumpkin is healthy.

5:A healthy weight

Pumpkin fits perfectly into a slimming diet. It contains relatively few calories, while it provides you with many important nutrients. The fiber that can be found in pumpkin also helps you lose weight. Fiber makes you feel full for longer, making it easier to skip snacks and eat smaller portions.

A healthier body with pumpkin

As you have read in this article, pumpkin can help keep your body healthy. The nutrients from this vegetable contribute to a strong immune system, healthy eyes, strong skin and healthy bowel movements and intestinal flora. In addition, eating pumpkin can help you reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.