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Embrace:A beautiful documentary about the female body

The beautiful documentary Embrace:about the view of the female body, the self-image of women and the acceptance of our own body.

Recently I was visiting a good friend and we had a conversation about our bodies. I told them I had arrived during the holidays. I really enjoyed the delicious food, the ice creams and the wines. I loved it, but now it was time for me to lose some weight again. She gave me the tip to watch the Netflix documentary Embrace. A few days later I watched this documentary. What a very good movie. Watching it touched and moved me. This mother's story is so beautiful that I had to write a blog about it. The documentary Embrace is a must for every mother who worries about her body. So go and have a look quickly!

Table of contents

What is the documentary Embrace about?

The documentary is about the Australian Taryn Brumfitt, mother of three children. In the documentary she starts by telling her story. That at one point she had the nerve to post pre-pregnancy photos on Facebook when she entered a beauty contest. But also after that. A nice, neat nude photo after her three pregnancies.

These photos went viral! It gave her a flood of positive and negative reactions. It touched her so much that she decided to make a documentary to change women's self-image about their bodies. In the documentary Embrace, she addresses one of the most essential questions that women struggle with today. Why are so many women so unhappy with their own bodies?

Does a tight body also make you happier?

In the film, she shows that she had to train and diet a lot to get the desired, beautiful body that she wanted. But when she had achieved this, it turned out that this did not make her feel any happier. In fact, she felt like she was wasting a lot of energy on something that didn't make her happier. She therefore rightly wonders why so many women invest a huge amount of money, energy and time to get a toned body. While that doesn't actually make us any happier.

She paints a realistic and painful picture of diet gurus, plastic surgeons and personal coaches. They earn massively from us because 'we women' want to change our bodies so much. But is it worth it and don't we actually become much happier if we accept our own body as it is? Isn't it Mother Nature that changes the female body over the years, after pregnancies and with aging?

Where does this self-image come from?

So why are we constantly trying to change our bodies? And does it even go so far that women even get sick if they go overboard in this? Taryn Brumfitt shows in the film where this self-image comes from and calls on us en masse to love our own body as it is and to enjoy things that make you happy.

She also shows the beautiful and special sides of the female body in a striking way. Like the fact that we can put children on Earth and even be able to produce milk. It seems so normal, but it is still good to think about this. And she calls on you to enjoy yourself, eat a nice ice cream with your children or drink a nice glass of wine with your partner or girlfriend, even if this is a big calorie bomb!

Acceptance of our own body

The documentary Embrace (to be seen on Netflix) ensures that you will also ask all these questions yourself. I too still have a way to go to fully accept my own body as it is. I try to live as healthy as possible, do yoga and run. I also watch my diet. But I also want to enjoy good food at the same time. I will therefore never get a toned body. But I also just don't want to spend day in day out just thinking about food. Is that bad? New. I feel healthy, but I have to watch out that I don't get too heavy.

It remains a major challenge to find a good balance. But when I look at my own daughter Laura, I realize that it is really my body that has put this beautiful girl on earth. And that makes me spontaneously happy! Taryn has achieved what she wanted with her documentary:to make women think and put this sensitive topic on the map.