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Phitex clear-up review; this product works so well against pimples

The article we published about tips against pimples also included the product Phitex® ClearUp from Phidermica. To give our readers the opportunity to try this product, 4 participants have a Phitex® ClearUp allowed to do a review. They were able to try out the product for 8 weeks and have photographed and described their findings well for you.

Table of contents

Phitex® ClearUp † what is that actually?

Phitex® ClearUp has been specially developed for teenagers with acne or problem skin and is very user-friendly. You only have to spray your pillow once a week and sleep on it to make your skin look completely new again. In this way, other parts of the skin can also easily be treated, for example by spraying a t-shirt in the case of back acne. As a result, teenagers no longer have to use treatments or multiple products next to each other.

Phidermica offers with Phitex® ClearUp an easy total solution and is completely free of side effects. In this way the entire skin is brought into a better condition, which also reduces redness, skin irritation and other impurities. And according to the reviews of our readers, this just seems like the breakthrough in the approach to their acne and blemished skin!

Phitex® Reviews ClearUp

1st review by Amanda Geers

After my pregnancy and pregnancy ailments I started having acne on my back. I have tried several products. The private label of Kruidvat, Clearasil and homeopathic remedies. These products often helped for a short period of time. After 4 years of trying products for acne on my back, the product Phitex® ClearUp came along. , which I was allowed to test.

I received clear, comprehensive and friendly advice via email from Werner van Phidermica on how to use Phitex® ClearUp could use the best. During the trial period I also received emails asking if it went well and with tips. I have experienced this as pleasant and customer-friendly.

I was a bit skeptical about Phitex® ClearUp because how can 6 sprays -once a week- of the product on my shirt ensure that the acne on my back disappears or becomes a lot less? But the result has been proven, after 2 weeks I already saw a clear difference. My back looked calmer. After 4 weeks the painful red inflammations disappeared. And after 6 weeks I can say that the product has not only cleared up a lot of the acne, but it has certainly removed a large part of my physical insecurities.

Phitex ® ClearUp does what it should do, I dare to say that in this review, and it is also easy to use. No more having to apply creams that dry out your skin. Spraying once a week on a piece of clothing is sufficient. Do you want to tackle your acne? Then I recommend Phitex ® ClearUp sure to. Summer is just around the corner, I dare to go outside again with a shirt on. The game of hide and seek is over.

2nd review of Lin Choi's son

After 8 weeks of using Phitex® ClearUp I am positively surprised. My son was very insecure about his acne. After many different creams, tea tree oil and benzoxyl peroxide it still didn't go away. After using Phitex® ClearUp it kept getting better. If I had any questions I emailed Phidermica and got a quick response. The product only needs to be sprayed on your pillow once a week and is easy to use. We even took the product with us on vacation when we did a tour.

After 8 weeks there is already a clear improvement. My son is much more confident. I recommend it to anyone who has trouble with acne and doesn't feel like applying 3 different creams every day. Some creams dry out your skin after use and that is not a face.

I would like to thank you very much for allowing us to test the product and good luck further!

Postscript Phidermica:

Because the above Phitex® user ClearUp especially on his left side, this side of his face came into contact the most with his pillow on which Phitex® ClearUp has been fitted. As a result, there is more noticeable improvement on the left than on the right. We have advised to spray a piece of the top edge of his duvet that comes into contact with the right side of the face. This advice has been followed, which means that the right side has also been further improved.

3rd review Phitex® ClearUp from Priscilla

A few weeks ago I read an article on the Mamsatwork website full of tips against pimples and impure skin. One of the tips was to use Phitex® ClearUp , an odorless and colorless dermal textile spray that helps to strengthen and purify acne-prone skin, without the need to apply a product directly to the skin. I had the opportunity to try the spray and would like to tell you about my experiences, both with this spray and products that I have used in the past.

I received a box at home with a bottle of 100mL Phitex® ClearUp , two bandeaus and an extensive and clear manual about how the product should be used exactly and in what amount of spray is needed per body part to be treated. Also, Phidermica, the company behind Phitex® ClearUp , contacted me and explained everything calmly and clearly and they were willing to answer all my questions.

I myself have applied the spray to my pillow (and I can confidently say that the spray is odorless and does not stain textiles!) to treat the sides of my face and on one of the included bandeaus to treat my forehead . The spray is economical in use and a 50ml package lasts 2-3 months when used correctly for the treatment of the face.

The first results were felt quite quickly. The skin felt calmer and cleaner after only four weeks, after eight weeks the difference is not only palpable, but also visible. My skin is noticeably calmer, I have fewer breakouts, and when a pimple comes through, it disappears much faster than before.

In the past I have used other products that would help acne skin, such as wax emulsions and creams based on benzoyl peroxide. These products provided a temporary feeling of cleaner skin, but it made no lasting difference to my skin. In addition, products with Benzoyl peroxide make permanent marks on all textiles it comes into contact with and can even cause discoloration of the eyebrows if they come into contact with them. So I am very happy that I have found a product that will make these remedies disappear from my life for good!

I can use Phitex® ClearUp recommend to anyone looking for a product that is simple and economical to use, that does not weaken or irritate the skin and that offers clear results when used regularly and correctly.

Review daughter of Judith Lommen has Phitex® ClearUp also used

About 9 weeks ago I received 2 bottles of Phitex® ClearUp sent. I was very happy with this because my daughter had been suffering from pimples for a long time and it didn't get any less. I had used various products from the house brand of a large grocer, to natural pure from the soap store. Nothing helped.

Phitex® ClearUp is very very easy to use. A cotton pillowcase and T-shirt to spray the product on were sufficient. Because she had a lot of pain on her back, we decided in consultation with Phidermica (the company that developed Phitex® ClearUp) to spray and put on a T-shirt during the first week.

My daughter had enough cotton shirts, so there was no problem with that. She was afraid that her new Levi's T-shirt would discolour. After trying 2 other t-shirts, there appeared to be no discoloration or stains (even after washing). I was also allowed to use the Levi's shirt.

After the first week we only sprayed a shirt at night. I didn't use a new shirt every night for the nights; after 2 to 3 days it was replaced by a clean shirt. After the first 2 weeks I was already very excited. The pimples and red spots were already so much less. And her back and shoulders were so much calmer too.

4 weeks after the start of the product, we went on holiday. My daughter didn't want to wear a swimsuit at first because of the pimples on her back. The 2nd pictures were taken before our holiday. We enjoyed the Turkish sun and my daughter walked all day in a bikini 😉 .

The first weeks I went through the bottle a little faster than I expected. In retrospect that makes sense since we also used extra during the day. Now we spray a clean pillowcase twice a week, and a clean T-shirt once a week…

I am very happy with the results of Phitex ® ClearUp My daughter hardly has any pimples, around her period one still wants to come through. And the red spots are also much less. If I ask her, she has the fewest pimples of her friends. She has also stopped using all kinds of makeup to hide the spots. She is a lot more sure of herself again, and that is so valuable as an adolescent!

Would you like to try this product against pimples yourself?

As you can read above, the 4 participants who were allowed to test it via MamsatWork are all very satisfied. Do you want to order this product yourself? Then you can visit the Phidermica webshop.