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Organic cosmetics, how to choose them well?

For a few years now, many have again been paying close attention to the planet. Natural and biodegradable products are making their way into the home, but also and above all into the bathroom. The same goes for organic products that have no place in the kitchen. But now, choosing your organic cosmetics is not always easy. We explain the procedure to you.

Organic cosmetics, still labeled

For a product to be considered organic , it must contain a minimum of ingredients from organic farming. In this sense, it cannot contain toxic, polluting or irritating ingredients. Exit the conservatives and dyes in organic products. Just like synthetic perfumes , silicone, endocrine disruptors and many more.

And if an organic product will necessarily be natural, a natural product will not necessarily be organic. Pay attention to details. A natural cosmetic will be designed with ingredients from nature, such as plants . But the origin of the products is not necessarily known, unlike an organic product, where the ingredients are necessarily from organic farming.

If the product is truly organic, then it will automatically be certified by a label. This is the first thing to check when purchasing. In France, there are mainly two labels:Ecocert, Cosmébio and Cosmos. But there are others:Natrue, Swisscos, Soil of Association. But be careful, it is not because the cosmetic product mentions one of these labels that it is necessarily the best organic product. To make your choice, you have to go even further.

Test them to choose them better

The best way to choose organic cosmetics , it's still trying them . And for that, you don't need to buy huge quantities. So a good tip:don't hesitate to test the organic beauty boxes. The concept is simple:you subscribe for a price that is often worth half the real value of the box. Each month, you receive your organic beauty box at home . Inside you will find between 4 and 6 organic products , often in small format. They'll last you a month of use, and if you like them, now you know what to buy.

Organic beauty boxes, there are dozens. Natural boxes, luxury boxes, boxes made in France. It's up to you to choose the one that suits your budget and your desires.

The packaging says a lot, but be careful…

The packaging of organic products is intended to be eco-responsible and often biodegradable . Many do not contain glue and are made from recycled paper. The same goes for bottles, which are often made of glass and not plastic. In both cases, they are automatically recyclable.

Be careful, however, to not be fooled by packaging that seems organic to you. Many companies use and abuse what is called greenwashing . By using a green color palette, or by affixing certain visuals for example, they direct their packaging towards an ecological positioning. However, the product is not necessarily organic, and above all it is not automatically organic.

The list of ingredients is meant to be short

The list of ingredients present in the organic product must be short . The more it is, containing more than natural products, the better the product will be. For example, if you are buying certified organic oil, then the only ingredient that needs to be listed on the label is the oil itself.

If the list is longer, don't ban the product. Simply learn to decipher its composition . We leave you a list of words (a bit barbaric) that should not be found on the labels of organic products:Paraffin, PEG, Phenol, Butylparaben, Propyparaben, Mineral oil, Petrolatum, etc.

In short, to be sure that your organic product is really organic and effective , at least 50% of the ingredients must be organic. In some cosmetics, you will see that the percentage can be much higher and can go up to 75 to 90% organic ingredients .

Bio does not keep forever

Another thing to look at on your bottle that calls itself organic:the expiry date . Yes, because if your ordinary shampoos or cosmetics can stay in your cupboards for years, the same is not true for an organic product. The latter will only keep for 3 to 6 months after its first use, in operation. A little more for oils contained in bottles, and not containing a single trace of water. Why ? Quite simply because you will not find any preservatives in your organic product.

The price, a pledge of confidence?

If two of the same organic products are priced at odds, refer to the ingredient label for each of them. The most "low-end" product often contains a certain amount of water or palm-derived oil . Cheaper, therefore, but not necessarily better for your body and your skin. So yes, the quality organic product can be sold at a slightly higher price, but in the end, isn't it a reasoned purchase?

A reasoned purchase that we make, as soon as possible, directly in store. Because the internet is convenient, but in store, the saleswoman can always advise us. The products are in any case scrupulously selected .

Buy organic AND local

Today, in France, a very high percentage of products from organic farming are imported s. So if the label ensures that the product is totally organic, it is ultimately not 100%. Once the product has traveled for miles by truck, boat or plane, the ecological balance sheet is heavy . Your cosmetics will continue to be good for your skin, but much less for the planet. So to avoid this, we prefer organic and local products. Yes yes, it exists. And then, if you can't find them, you can always make them yourself.

Now you know everything to choose your organic cosmetics , for your well-being, but also that of the planet, what more could you ask for?