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Combination:how to choose it well?

Which model is made for me?

If in principle, we can all wear a combination, we should not expect to be able to wear all the models. To wear your jumpsuit well, be careful to choose it at your size and accessorize it. Although the jumpsuit is not reserved only for slender silhouettes, it is true that it does not give a gift to the round ones, if it is poorly adjusted. Thin, we will look much more affordable (and relaxed) with a loose jumpsuit or overalls, than with a tight jumpsuit, which will make us strangely masculine. Conversely, round girls will seek to mark the waist with an hourglass model or by belting it. Indeed, because a jumpsuit is only a piece of fabric, it quickly tends to "bag". Hence the importance of the cut, which can completely change your figure. For good or for bad...

How do I know that my wetsuit fits me?

To choose the right wetsuit, first rule:try it on!

Ordering a suit on the Internet:yes, if you can return it! Otherwise, it's a bit like buying a swimsuit without having tried it on:if it doesn't fit you, you won't be the only one to notice it... And that's how a garment ends up in the closet. In this regard, do you know how to evaluate that a garment you really like? How quickly you put it on after purchase! If, for example, you can't wait to wear shoes or a dress right after buying them, chances are you'll put them on often! On the contrary, if your new combination has not yet seen the light of day 15 days after its purchase, it is surely a sign that you should return it... If you receive compliments when you wear it or if your friends and colleagues put on All in one, you've hit the bullseye!

And the color then?

For a combination, strong colors are often the best choice. As it is a covering garment, it is better if it goes with your complexion. If your complexion is fair, then avoid beige combinations that would not contrast enough, and leave them instead to girls with dull or black skin. If you want to play the seventies, go for fuchsia or white. For a glamorous look, choose a soft color, such as pink or pastel blue, black or navy blue, or even red if you are not afraid of anything. However, avoid choosing the same color as your jumpsuit for the shoes, otherwise you will look like you are wearing a uniform.