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Bad habits that harm your skin.

We want the best for our skin, we seek the best solutions for a perfect complexion. To avoid the appearance of imperfections, it is better to take care of it! Here are the 6 bad habits to eliminate from your beauty routine to ensure a perfect complexion.

Do not remove makeup

One ​​of the worst mistakes! Make-up removal is the basis of beautiful skin, it cleans your face and dissolves all the make-up present on your skin. Not removing make-up prevents the skin from breathing, your pores are clogged and your complexion becomes dull. The result, your skin is more sensitive and faces premature skin aging. It is therefore important to remove your make-up! Our minima[list] make-up remover oil effectively removes even waterproof make-up, 100% of natural origin, it does not irritate your skin.

Not hydrating

The secret to beautiful skin is hydrated skin. When the skin lacks hydration, it becomes fragile and dries out more quickly. We then think that the use of a moisturizer is essential, it is false! In cosmetics, moisturizers are mainly emulsions, lots of water and little fat, these treatments collide with the cutaneous barrier of the skin and more particularly with the hydrolipidic film mainly composed of fatty substances (sebum). These water-soaked treatments remain on the surface and the active ingredients do not penetrate the skin. The only remedy for hydrated skin is to drink 1.5 L of water a day and to focus on products with a lot of fatty substances to repair and strengthen your hydrolipidic film.

To learn more, read our article explaining why our cosmetics are waterless!

Do not use eye cream

The skin around the eyes is much thinner and more sensitive than that of our face. From the age of 25/30 the skin loses its elasticity and the first signs of skin aging appear. It is necessary to use a targeted treatment adapted to this area of ​​the face. This area of ​​the face is very fragile and requires special attention! Our minimal[list] eye ​​contour strengthens the lipid barrier, fights against the appearance of puffiness, dark circles and signs of skin aging for a fresh and illuminated look. To find out more, read our article on our eye contour treatment.

Exfoliating your skin too often

Big mistake! This step of our beauty routine should be done occasionally. Daily exfoliation attacks and irritates the skin. It is best to use a gentle exfoliation suitable for your skin type to gently remove dead cells and brighten your complexion. Our moisturizing face scrub is made with a fine apricot powder for gentle exfoliation. This 3-in-1 scrub exfoliates, cleanses and hydrates your skin for soft, luminous skin! We recommend using your scrub once a week.

Lack of sleep

Skin cell regeneration takes place while we sleep. A short night's sleep leads to a high secretion of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. Cortisol breaks down collagen and increases sebum production causing blemishes, enlarged pores and a shiny complexion. To recover well, it takes an average of 7 to 9 hours per night. A good night's sleep regenerates cells and creates collagen and elastin. Your skin regains its elasticity and suppleness, your complexion is fresh and flawless!


Diet influences the quality of your skin, in addition to your beauty routine you must adopt a healthy and balanced diet. An unbalanced diet can cause the appearance of skin problems, favor foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, E and C for a fresh and luminous complexion. Find more tips on our article explaining the importance of diet for your skin.

All bad habits should be banished from your beauty routine to regain healthy skin! We are waiting for your feedback on our Instagram!