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5 Bad Dressing Habits to Forget

We have heard it all at least once in our lives:you have to suffer to be beautiful. But from there to putting our health at stake, certainly not. In an interview with the American Huffington Post, life coach Tom Casano listed 5 bad clothing habits to forget.

1. Clothes that are too tight

If we love skinny jeans, our health cannot say the same. Yes, clothes that are too tight promote heartburn and compress muscles and blood circulation so much that they can sometimes have an impact on our nervous system. So, if it's hard to fit into our usual 38, we don't squirm in all directions to get there, we take the size above or go to a store that sizes a little bigger! It is the clothes that must adapt to our shapes, not the other way around!

2. Non-breathable materials

Suffocating in our clothes is a second habit that is not recommended for our health! Recent studies have shown that certain synthetic fabrics that are difficult to breathe in can cause localized rashes or skin irritations (known as contact dermatitis). Likewise for shoes made of non-breathable material, they can lead to the proliferation of fungi. So not great!

3. Dyes

We do not always pay attention to it, but the composition of our clothes is to be watched closely. Indeed, some dyes are full of chemicals among which are toxic substances by skin contact and allergenic or worse carcinogenic. So above all, we find out about the dyes used and we don't dive head first into a purchase without having checked the label.

4. Shoes without support

Well that we already knew, too many heels, it's not good! High heels cause posture misalignment, leading to long-term damage to your knees, spine, back, calves, and hips (just that!). And that's not all, some flat shoes can also lead to damage. Poor foot support or a sole that is too flat can cause gait abnormalities and back pain. Well, finding a shoe that fits may be a little more complicated than expected...

5. Unbalancing bags

And finally, the bags. Clearly, bad clothing habits are from head to toe! The bags therefore can damage our neck, our shoulders and our spine. And as if that were not enough, they also cause localized pain on one side of the body due to muscle contractions that seek to compensate for the weight of this accessory that we love so much. Would the backpack be the solution?