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5 signs that prove you need to change your beauty routine

All the cells that make up our body are constantly evolving, dying and renewing themselves. This natural phenomenon is the cycle of life. Therefore, whatever the nature of our skin, these needs are constantly changing. It is essential to be aware of this in order to adapt to these changes. 5 events allow us to realize this every day.

1- The impact of the seasons on our skin

The seasons greatly influence our skin. Seasonal conditions all have a specific impact on skin tissue. Its state and its needs vary according to the characteristics of the seasons which are perpetuated. As a result, every season, if not every month, we set up a new beauty routine. Care that is more moisturizing in winter or more protective in summer... The seasons follow one another and it is up to us to adapt our habits and rituals for our own good and that of our skin.

The cold causes a decrease in microcirculation close to the epidermis. Reason why the skin tends to dry out more quickly in winter . During these periods of intense cold, we prioritize hydration . From the first drops in temperature, moisturizers become our greatest allies to preserve our skin.

When Spring arrives , we have to deal with temperature differences more important. The gradually warming weather, the first exposure to the sun... All these changes require a lot of adaptation efforts for skin still used to winter. In order to properly prepare our skin for these new conditions, purifying treatments will be preferred. This is to prevent the appearance of pimples in the spring.

The summer heat force the body to sweat to regulate itself. As a result, the skin becomes oilier than usual. The rays of the summer sun and its UV continually attack the skin. So she needs protection as well as rehydration throughout this period. Organic care with a light texture is to be preferred because it penetrates the epidermis more quickly. In this way, the pores will be less saturated with products and there will be the risk of the appearance of unwanted pimples diminished.

At the advent of autumn , the weather is rather calm. However, there are significant temperature differences. This state sensitizes the skin which can become tired and dull during this period. The only remedy:revitalize your skin with radiant and nourishing care . To do this, we recommend cocooning beauty rituals with natural treatments. These cocooning moments are beneficial for the skin and morale as the end of the year approaches.

2- The needs of the skin according to our age group

The skin tissue and its needs differ in each age group. Thus beauty routines vary according to age and feelings.

In the case of young children, for example, the skin tissue is still fragile and sensitive. Thus, light moisturizers and gentle are in order. For slightly older children, their skin tissue is still immature. External attacks such as exposure to UV rays are therefore to be avoided. In these cases, organic sunscreens or other protective care are preferred to preserve the skin .

At the stage of adolescence, hormones begin to boil. The body in general and the skin are affected. High sebum production characterizes this period and various skin problems, such as acne, may appear. At this age, a healthy lifestyle, a purifying and dermo-regulating beauty routine are to be preferred.

Between 25 and 45 years old, the characteristics of the skin change, as do its needs because cellular renewal gradually slows down. As soon as the first fine lines appear, an anti-oxidant routine is recommended to fight against free radicals and curb the signs of time. Natural and organic treatments adapted to the needs of the skin are to be preferred for best results, especially in the long term.

After the age of fifty, the skin also becomes more fragile. care products rich in biological active ingredients and natural are therefore essential to protect it from external aggressions and limit the signs of time.

3- The impact of hormones on our skin

Hormones significantly affect the condition of the skin. The needs of our skin according to the age group prove it, more particularly during adolescence. The overflow of hormones leads to many physiological disturbances. The skin tissue can only be affected.

The hormonal influence concerns us all. Moreover, it is often at the origin of the state of our skin.

4- The impact of lifestyle on our skin

Our lifestyle influences our body and our skin. Like hormones, lifestyle is an internal factor that affects skin tissue. The parameters taken into account are:food, hydration and rest.

A healthy diet , we will never repeat it enough, is essential for both health and aesthetics. Are to be avoided for good nutritional habits:industrialized foods, alcoholic products, spicy products, etc. The body may find it difficult to assimilate these substances. A situation that can in the long run damage the body.

Hydration plays a major role in the condition of the skin tissue. How many times have we heard that for beautiful skin you have to drink a lot of water . A very true popular idea. Hydration goes not only through moisturizers but also through all the water we consume.

Last point for a healthy lifestyle:rest . Dark circles are proof of this, fatigue is felt but above all is seen. Those puffiness and dark streaks under our eyes are only part of the iceberg. Our body expresses its fatigue on our skin:hypersensitivity, rashes... These manifestations are irrevocable, optimal rest is necessary both for our life and for our beauty. To do this, we recommend a good cocooning ritual as a gift to yourself.

5- The effects of the environment on our skin

The environment in general is a major factor in the condition of skin tissue. temperature variations constitute one of the main influential elements. The body only feels comfortable at its usual temperature of 37°C. However, sometimes the body has to deal with considerable climatic changes. At these times, it triggers several processes to control its temperature. Thermoreceptors and the nervous system work together to activate thermoregulation.

The surrounding pollution irremediably disturbs our skin. The skin tissue, the body's main barrier against external aggressions, captures and retains all these toxins. A rather unpleasant situation for our skin, which manifests itself through various skin eruptions (blackheads, acne, etc.). As a result, it is often necessary to include detoxifying treatments or scrubs in our beauty rituals.

So many modifications and adjustments wear out skin tissue. Sometimes these harsh conditions cause feelings of discomfort. To combat these uncomfortable situations, we can try to soothe our skin.

Care adapted to the needs of our skin

The treatments to include in our beauty routines must suit the needs of our skin so that we can provide our skin with all the nutrients it needs.

Labox Belle au Naturel introduces us to organic and natural treatments to help you create the beauty routines that suit you in order to effectively meet each of your skin's needs. Discover every 1st of the month the exclusive content of the box of the month of belleaunaturel or compose your personalized box by benefiting from a 30% discount with the code RITUEL .