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7 shower mistakes that impact your skin more than you think

7 shower mistakes that impact your skin more than you think

Showering seems simple, but there are certain 'mistakes' that we make that are actually not very good for our skin. And since we shower to clean ourselves, it's a shame if we damage our skin with it. That's why we tell you everything about the mistakes that have more impact on your skin than you think, so that you can prevent them!

1. Showering too long

A common cause of dry, itchy skin is showering that is too long and too hot. It is better to take a short shower – no longer than 5 minutes – to avoid dryness and itching. Get in, get clean and get out from underneath. You can save water and your skin by turning off the tap when you shave or let your conditioner soak in – it really helps!

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2. Showering too hot

We already said it; Taking a hot shower isn't exactly good for your skin either. An extra hot, steamy shower may feel great at the time, but it has a negative impact on your skin. The hot water causes your skin to lose its natural oils, which in turn leads to skin problems. So opt for a short, lukewarm shower instead of a long, hot one.

3. Using products that are too aggressive

Another cause of dry, irritated skin is the use of stubborn perfumed soaps and antibacterial soaps. What is gentle on your skin is always better! So choose naturally perfumed products – your skin will thank you!

4. Using a sponge

Yep, you should also omit that bath sponge… They are a hotbed for bacteria and yeast, so it is better not to clean yourself with in the shower. Especially not if you also share it with your family members… That way you can transfer bacteria to each other – yuck! Therefore, use a clean washcloth for every wash or only use your hands with soap and water. Do you like the exfoliating effect of a sponge? Then change it every 30 days and always let it hang out to dry.

5. Replace your razor too little

Raise your hand if you use your razor for too long to avoid having to buy a new, expensive blade… This is one of the biggest shower mistakes you can make:if your blade becomes dull, you can suffer from ingrown hairs, inflamed hair follicles and rash. Not exactly nice… You get the best shaving results if you replace your blade every two to three shaves; yes, a lot more often than you do now…

6. Do not use a pH-neutral cleanser 'down there'

When cleaning down there, always use a product specifically for vaginal cleansing. The vaginal microbiome is very sensitive and products that are not pH neutral can throw it off balance by killing good bacteria and affecting the acidity of your vagina. This can lead to fungal infections, itching, a burning sensation and strange odors… So pay close attention to the product you use!

7. Do not apply directly after showering

Showering ensures – even if you shower briefly and lukewarm – that your skin loses a little of its protective layer, so that your skin can feel dry, itchy and chapped. That is why it is important that you rub your skin well after taking a shower. In fact, it's best to do it liberally within 60 seconds of getting out of the shower. Choose a body lotion that contains ceramides, a lipid that occurs naturally in your skin, to replenish the ones you've "lost" from showering. Baby soft skin, coming up!