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4 mistakes you make when removing your makeup

4 mistakes you make when removing your makeup

Be nicer to your skin, don't make these mistakes from now on.

1. You don't remove your makeup at all
It's tempting to go to bed after a long day (or night) with your makeup on. However, you shouldn't do that. At night your skin recovers and that goes a lot less well if there is still a thick layer of make-up on it. The make-up mixes with sweat and bacteria and that can cause impurities. In addition, it can dry out your skin.

2. You are too rough Rubbing your eyes hard with a cotton ball to scrub off your mascara isn't good for your lashes, but your skin deserves more love than that. Do you clean your face with water? Do not rub your face dry afterwards, but rather pat your face dry with the towel. Use a special remover to remove waterproof makeup to avoid scrubbing too hard.

3. You use hot water
Hot water dries out your skin. Therefore, it is better to use lukewarm water to clean your face.

Read also: A hot or cold shower?

4. You use cleaning products that do not suit your skin
Choose a cleanser that suits your skin type. When in doubt, get advice about your skin type. Do you know what skin type you have? Online you can find a lot of useful information about ingredients that are good for your skin, or ingredients that you should avoid. For example, visit the website of Jetske Ultee or the website of Paula Begoun.