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Facial care:5 mistakes not to make to have beautiful skin

Wash your face with soap

A daily mistake is to wash your face with soap. Many people use the same product to wash their body and face. You should know that the needs are different and a cosmetic adapted to the body is not suitable for the face. Using soap (or worse a shower gel) is simply stripping your face, without necessarily realizing it. It contains too many chemicals that can make the skin rough.

Apply moisturizer only when the skin is dry

Many women decide to skip the moisturizer step if the need does not arise. They apply it mainly in winter when the skin is drier and tight. You should know that this facial treatment is essential and must be done at least once a day. Know that twice (morning and evening) is ideal. Oily-prone skin also often skips moisturizer for fear of having even oilier skin. On the contrary, not properly moisturizing your skin generally leads to hyperseborrhoea. The best way to have beautiful skin is to opt for a daytime moisturizer containing a sun protection factor, winter and summer.

Use your day cream around the eye area

Applying face moisturizer and eye cream can be a waste of time and money. However, this combo is essential to meet the needs of the face. The eye contour is a sensitive and fragile area that deserves greater attention. Remember that the first signs of aging appear in this area. The skin around the eye is too thin to withstand an overly rich conventional moisturizer. You risk having unsightly bags under the eyes.

Exfoliate your skin every day

Exfoliating your skin every day is like saying goodbye to beautiful skin. Exfoliation is an important beauty gesture to perform regularly, but certainly not every day. You will only weaken your skin. The right frequency is generally to exfoliate once a week with a gentle, non-abrasive product. You can use a cleansing brush.

Do not remove makeup every night

Removing make-up every night can quickly become a painful task. Women, especially younger ones, tend to skip this step. To have beautiful skin for as long as possible, it is essential to create an evening routine adapted to the needs of the skin. The first essential step is to remove your make-up, no matter what time you come home. For dry and sensitive skin, make-up removal with oil, without cotton, is ideal. You should also cleanse your skin with a gentle product and don't forget the essential moisturizing phase by applying a serum and/or cream.