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Facial care:why you have to be patient

When we start a facial treatment, we are usually quite impatient to see if it will keep its promises:radiance, purity, firmness... After all, we chose this product for a good reason and we expect it to do everything that is written on its packaging! We put it on once, twice, three times… and more often than not, we remain perplexed because we do not see any change. Let it be said:to have beautiful skin, you have to be patient. So before throwing away the "not effective" bottle and changing to another, we give the product time to take effect.

Dermatologists are indeed formal:it takes 28 days for the skin to renew itself and naturally get rid of dead cells. Clearly, there is no point in hoping to see a change before a month of use.

28 days later

According to specialists, changing products all the time could even be bad for the skin. Do we not read, however, that it is good to vary the active ingredients so that they remain effective? That's true, but it's all a matter of timing. Changing care (whether it is a cream, a serum or a lotion) every two or three days has several disadvantages:not only do we not know if the product is effective (and if we see an improvement, which product is due?), but in addition, we minimize its potential (it's like at the gym:the more you vary the exercises, the slower you see localized results).

Worse:in some cases, watering the skin with a whole bunch of active ingredients can even affect our immune system. Unless we react to a product, we therefore wait 28 days before deciding whether or not it suits us. On the other hand, nothing prevents you from testing new treatments every month. It is also advisable to change your routine according to the seasons (opt for a light treatment in summer and a richer one in winter, etc.).

Morality:patience is our best ally when it comes to testing a facial treatment. Our skin and our wallet will thank us!