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Cuticles:3 golden rules for pretty nails

23The cuticles are the skin that forms the outline of the nail, in women as in men. Their role is not only to mark the limit of the nail. They act as a real natural barrier against infections and germs that can get under the nail and cause inflammation or even whitlow (ouch!). Concern ? Triturating your cuticles is sometimes a reflex that you do without realizing it, when you are nervous for example. We then end up with a red and puffy nail contour, not to mention the possible infection problems. Clearly, our cuticles need to be pampered! Instructions for use in 3 golden rules.

1/ Do not cut the cuticles

It's super tempting:cut the end that bothers us and hop, neither seen nor known? In the case of the cuticles, it is to be avoided, because you risk not only causing inflammation if you cut too short (because this part of the nail will then no longer be protected), but also to end up with more regrowth. lasts, because the body defends itself by thickening the epidermis. So even with a well done manicure, it's not very pretty...

2/ Push them back regularly

Just because you can't cut them doesn't mean you should let the cuticles grow out of the surface of the nail. We get into the habit of pushing them back once a week. We soak our fingers for a few minutes in lukewarm water to soften the cuticles, then we take a wooden stick covered with a little cotton (we avoid those made of steel, so that it is not too hard ) and we come to push back the small skins without ever forcing. This gesture should absolutely not hurt. If necessary, apply a little hand cream to make it easier.

3/ Focus on hydration

This is the key if you want to have pretty nails! We therefore get into the habit of regularly moisturizing the hands, and taking the opportunity to pamper the cuticles as we go, massaging finger by finger (we reassure you, it takes 5 to 10 seconds per finger!). We opt for a hand &nail cream, whose formula is well suited to moisturize without being too rich. We use it as soon as we feel the need (for example if we have a mad desire to touch the cuticles!) and after washing our hands or doing the dishes for example.

So, whose beautiful hands are these? See you again!