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Zero waste:the 5 golden rules

Zero waste. The word everyone has in their mouths and which seems to offer a solution to all pollution problems (land, air and oceans). Buy less but better and more sustainable, recycle, choose solid cleaning products and cosmetics. We give you our 5 golden rules!

Zero waste:the 5 golden rules

Reducing waste

To reduce waste , we can simply refuse them! For that you have to dare to say no to the bag that you are offered in stores for example. Most of the time, even if they are compostable, a tiny amount of bag ends up in the compost... Also be careful not to confuse compostable bags with biodegradable bags. In any case, keep in mind that the best waste is the one that doesn't exist !

Biodegradable bags, found in the fruit and vegetable section, are made of plastic. To this plastic, we add chemical additives that will allow its decomposition into small fragments. So back to square one.
Compostable bags are made of plant-based plastic or paper. In either case, to be considered compostable, a bag must degrade at the same rate as fruits or vegetables. That is to say in 6/7 months maximum.

Say no more paper waste

We produce waste paper every day without realizing it. The flyer that we accept in the street only to throw it two bins away without having read it. Ads in mailboxes. The receipts that we leave at the bottom of the bags. We can go on like this for a long time. The solution ? Again:refuse. We agree to receive the receipt by email when possible and we put a “STOP PUB” label on our mailbox. That's it!

Zero waste on the internet!

Digital pollution is indeed real and still too little known. Greenpeace gives us some tips to limit it:

  • resist the many ads to change our equipment and try to repair it when possible
  • download movies and music on authorized platforms rather than watching them live
  • block autoplay on social media
  • empty your mailbox and unsubscribe from unread newsletters
  • turn off our devices rather than putting them to sleep

Consume solid and loose

Zero waste:the 5 golden rules

Reducing your daily waste requires some effort. But once the machine is started you will see a difference in your trash and your savings! Adeline, from the chain La cuisine d’Adeline, gives us her eco-responsible ideas for reducing waste. Whether in the kitchen or the bathroom, the solutions are numerous. For your dishes, for example, choose a Marseille soap and a brush. To go further, you can also buy your soap in bulk!
Solid and organic cosmetics are also ideal for a zero waste life. . It is possible to buy them in bulk or with recyclable packaging. Some packaging can even be composted! If you don't know where to start, we give you some ideas:

  • use washable cotton pads rather than disposable cottons
  • if you order online buy in bulk, this avoids regular transport
  • buy organic ! Organic cosmetics meet strict specifications and at NUOO we take care to check that everything is respected! Committed and eco-responsible brands, most of the products sold on our site are part of a zero waste approach.
  • choose solid cosmetics . Less waste and more space in the bathroom!

To go further in zero waste

For even less waste, you can also shop in bulk . To do this, all you need is a few fabric bags (you can make them yourself) or jars. The goal is to use it during your shopping to avoid disposable packaging . Once you get home, all you have to do is transfer your dry food into jars. Some stores also offer it for detergents or shower gels!
For the more adventurous:make your cleaning products or laundry yourself! Several recipes are available on the internet. The little extra? You choose the smell of your laundry by adding the essential oils you like.

Beyond the ecological aspect, zero-waste cosmetics have other advantages compared to over-packaged cosmetics. We give you 4 reasons to adopt solid cosmetics.

Changing the way you consume

Have you noticed how we are assailed from all sides by ever more solicitations, objects and technology? What if we tried to simplify our lifestyle? Nothing complicated for that:we sort, we resell and we learn to consume differently.


Over the years, hundreds of objects have been accumulated (books, kitchen utensils, clothes, etc.). It's high time to start a big cleaning!
For the kitchen, we sort our household products, if they have been open for years we can put them aside. For the others, we finish them! There is no point in throwing away barely started products. Once finished, we try to make them at home!
For kitchen utensils, books, clothes, or other, we can make donations to associations or resell them. What no longer serves you can help other people!

Consume better

Once the sorting in the house is finished, we get down to our new mode of consumption . Several options are available to us:second-hand, local, made in France or homemade. Assuming that everyone does as they can/wants, there are no bad solutions. At NUOO, for example, the team is adept at consuming local , with fruit and vegetable baskets from a small producer delivered to the office every week. We often buy second-hand and all desks are handmade by the boss. We consume French as much as possible and for our lunches we use lunch boxes, water bottles and our cutlery!

Think sustainable

When you embark on a zero waste lifestyle, you learn to think long term. No more single-use bags, plastic cutlery and disposable water bottles. We think sustainable. We arm ourselves with fabric bags for shopping and bulk bags and pouches as seen above. We also think of water bottles, for us and our children, and cloth napkins for meals rather than paper ones. Almost every element of the house can be redesigned in a sustainable way!

In the kitchen, we keep the glass jars of jam and compote to use as containers later. For children, we buy stainless steel straws!
In the bathroom, choose solid organic cosmetics that last longer and produce no waste. Did you know that some brands even offer to deposit toothpaste or deodorant jars? You buy them in store and once the product is finished you bring back the pot which will be cleaned and reused! A true circular economy.
In the wardrobe, we buy second-hand and/or quality so that the clothes last longer.

Recycle and repair

When something doesn't work anymore, we are tempted to throw it away. Without even imagining that it can be repaired or dropped off in a store that can recycle it.
Recycling , it is the basis of any zero waste lifestyle. Sorting is already recycling, with our faithful paper, cardboard, plastic and glass bins. Just learn the different recycling logos and you're done! Some materials, such as water bottles, can be used to remake bottles. For several years, we have also made clothes, bags and even insulating material for houses! It is therefore very important to recycle as much as possible and as well as possible. In logistics at NUOO, we have invested in a cardboard crushing machine. All delivery boxes are transformed into wedging to send your packages!

Repair so as not to redeem

Our society has taught us about planned obsolescence. As soon as damaged or broken, immediately thrown away. And if the solution was rather to repair? More economical and ecological, we bring our objects or clothes back to life by repairing them. If you are not a fan of sewing or repairs of any kind, you do not hesitate to join a neighbors club or a mutual aid community, generally, you are always well surrounded! It also allows you to bond and learn new things.


Whether you live in the city or in the countryside, in a house or an apartment, everyone can compost! Rather than throwing away the remains of your food or expired food, we think of putting it in the compost . Ask your town halls or use a search tool to find a composter. Otherwise, you surely have a friend, colleague or neighbor who will be happy to collect your organic waste for their garden or their chickens!

We hope that our advice for a zero waste life will be useful to you. Remember that every little bit counts!

Tell us in the comments what gestures you have adopted and what habits you have trouble putting in place, we will give you advice!