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Detox:golden rules #1

We heat up the machine

To optimize the results of the detox but also to limit the side effects (headaches, fatigue, mood swings), we treat ourselves to a real preparation. Four days before the starting signal, animal proteins are eliminated from your plate, on D-3, dairy products and on D-2, starchy foods. A day before, we only keep fruits, steamed vegetables and raw vegetables. We replace coffee, tea and alcohol with herbal teas, we systematize lemon squeezed in hot water on an empty stomach in the morning to stimulate digestion. The most motivated can also do an intestinal purge the day before the cure or the first morning in order to activate the cleansing of the colon to avoid the feelings of hunger of the first days. Recommended methods:absorption of salt water (Epsom or Glauber salt), colon enema or hydrotherapy performed by a professional, especially in a naturopathic practice (between €60 and €80).

Alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, tea:we calm the excitement.

The first two are counterproductive. As for theine and caffeine, they disrupt the natural blood sugar level, acidify the body and thwart the supply of mineral salts which it needs to purify itself. And yes… We do a REAL detox!

We drink, we drink, we drink! Without moderation…

We enjoy delicious drinks:pure water, fresh or hot, a squeezed lemon without sugar, ginger juice, depurative herbal teas based on nettles, mint, chamomile, dandelions, coriander, raspberry leaves, ginger, coriander, cinnamon, etc. Or the tasty Detox Delight herbal infusion.