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Is a beauty detox for me?

When we talk about detox, we often associate the term with food. On the other hand, we think less about the skin. However, if we were to list the number of care and make-up products that we apply on a daily basis (thank you complete routines!), we would probably be surprised by this total (on average 12 skincare products for a woman) . How about we lighten it all up? The Wellandgood site has deciphered the phenomenon of "beauty detox".

Beauty detox, shall I start?

To determine if we need a beauty detox, just look at our skin and hair. The complexion less radiant than usual (even though we haven't changed products)? Dull and sloppy hair? Nails more yellow than usual? No need to look any further, detox is a must! Experts also recommend doing a beauty detox regularly for a week. According to them, the benefits are multiple:more beautiful skin, hair and nails, but also an effect on the bank account... when you realize that you don't necessarily need all the products you use! Another bonus:it is often said that the skin gets used to the active ingredients, which remain effective, but are a little less so. Taking a break with a product therefore makes it possible to restore its full effectiveness!

Beauty detox, how to do it?

To do a real detox, the idea is to stop everything:treatments and make-up. Only water is allowed. While the thought of doing a full week of detox can be daunting, experts say two days can already see results in skin and hair. And with the hair it's easiest to start:no shampoo, conditioner or styling product for 2 days, baby? And for the skin, if the idea of ​​doing without everything seems impossible to us, we just allow ourselves a micellar water and a moisturizer. That's all ! On the manicure side, it is advisable to do without varnish for a week. We take the opportunity to bathe in olive oil to nourish the cuticles.

So, ready to take up the beauty detox challenge?