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Spring detox:3 important beauty gestures

Undergoing daily alterations, the skin needs adequate care to preserve its health and beauty. The adoption of a few adapted gestures is essential to help it purify itself. With this in mind, spring is the perfect time to start a detoxifying beauty ritual. Here is the spring detox routine to adopt .

Spring detox:3 important beauty gestures
Spring Detox – Review your diet

The local application of cosmetics for the skin is accompanied in the first place by proper nutrition, otherwise the result obtained may turn out to be poor. The diet during cold periods favors more fatty food, which causes an accumulation of toxins that the body must eliminate, to avoid skin problems.

Foods high in antioxidants and trace elements, especially fruits and vegetables, are to be encouraged. Here are a few:

  • The juice of half a lemon in a glass of hot water, to drink on an empty stomach in the morning, helps the body eliminate impurities.
  • Asparagus, to be consumed at will, is another alternative for a natural detox.
  • Other foods can be adopted to form a purifying diet, such as orange, kiwi, apple, beetroot, carrot and avocado.

You can also turn to detox products available in pharmacies, in particular this one is totally online . It could help if needed in your diet. Of course, before you start, do not hesitate to seek advice from a specialist!

Hydrate, hydrate and hydrate!

After the cold of winter, the skin often needs a little boost to get back into shape. For this, good hydration is essential, especially from the beginning of spring. Remember that on a daily basis, the elimination of impurities and the regeneration of the skin require the consumption of at least 1.5 liters of water to be distributed over 24 hours.

Of course, water alone is preferable. However, decoctions or herbal teas can be consumed to rid the liver of toxins and impurities. Consumed warm, these drinks are easy to assimilate by the body; and are more effective since the water molecules enter into osmosis with each cell of the body.

But it's not just about water or food in general. Indeed, it is also necessary to moisturize the skin well thanks to treatments, creams or oils, and this remains a gesture to be applied daily. Whether it is a detox or not, moisturizing the skin is essential, whether it is the face or the body.

Spring detox:3 important beauty gestures
Purify the skin

A moisturizer combined with detox products purifies the skin properly by eliminating residues and toxins that tend to accumulate. A deep cleanse, followed by an exfoliation two to three times a week is the basis to start with. You can also apply a detox mask, which however remains gentle so as not to attack the skin.

Another very effective technique for purifying the skin in depth is to give it a steam bath , which will allow it to purify itself and eliminate toxins and impurities. For this, you do not need to go to a sauna and to the beautician, you can do it at home. Here are the steps:

  1. Bring water to a boil;
  2. Pour it into a large enough bowl;
  3. Add a few drops of essential oils like lavender, lemon, linden;
  4. Place your face over the bowl and cover yourself with a clean cloth for 15 minutes;
  5. If necessary, end the routine with a mask.

Finding blemish-free skin for spring is very simple thanks to a few good habits, for a successful detox.