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The beauty gestures that save

Heading for SOS gestures!

We reassure you... We all take bad habits, due to lack of time, lack of patience or even forgetfulness! However, by adopting a few beauty reflexes, simple and effective , you can find skin, body and hair that are simply perfect. We tell you more?

Makeup removal:the key to radiant skin

We can not emphasize this enough. The secret to beautiful skin is make-up removal . Because yes, if there is one step you should never miss (under any circumstances!) it's make-up removal and skin cleansing (also called double or triple cleansing when you end with a floral or tonic lotion ). Make-up removal will allow each evening to remove all residues, traces of pollution, greasy substances and impurities from the face in order to reveal its radiance. At NUOO, we opt for oil make-up removal! Associated with a soft and circular massage, this gesture takes only a few seconds and becomes a real pleasure. We choose a pure vegetable oil (jojoba, coconut, avocado...) or formulated like that of Patyka or oOlution. Ideal for all skin types, oil make-up removal does not "grease" contrary to popular belief, the oil being dissolved by the cleanser applied afterwards. For those who wear a lot of eye makeup, don't hesitate to use a washable make-up remover cotton pad for the eyes, no more panda eyes! If you are not oily, choose a gentle cleansing milk, a solid makeup remover (yes, it does exist!) or a balm that envelops the skin. After make-up removal, we move on to cleaning, with a gel, a foam or a soap. This will leave the skin clean, purified, and ready to be hydrated. And this gesture takes less than 3 minutes, it's worth it, right?

Our favourites:Patyka flash make-up remover oil, Pachamamai nude solid make-up remover, Denovo oleogeous make-up remover balm, La Canopée black cleansing jelly, Le Moly pink avocado soap

Hydration:focus on water

Water is also one of the skin's beauty secrets. A perfectly hydrated skin is a soft, velvety and luminous skin. There's nothing like moisturizing the skin than a tonic or floral lotion kept in the fridge for a shot of freshness in the morning when you wake up and in the evening, followed by a beauty oil or a serum that will maintain the water in your skin. the skin while loading it with moisturizing active ingredients.

Our favourites: Systemic mist by Absolution, Rose floral water by Balm Balm, Hyaluronic 200 serum by Evolve Beauty

Massage:the flagship gesture

Whether it's the skin or the scalp, massage is one of the keys to beauty. When you apply a serum or an oil, you take the time to massage your skin for a few minutes. Why ? Already, because it makes us feel good, a little break time just for yourself. Then, because the massage reshapes the skin, boosts blood circulation, smooths the epidermis and allows the treatment to penetrate perfectly. One of our favorites of the moment is the roll-on with precious stones from Roll-on Jade which allows you to massage the face while making it benefit from the virtues of the stones. If you keep it in the fridge, it's a pleasure to use it... because once adopted, you can't live without it!

And for beautiful hair, when shampooing, massage the scalp to remove particles of pollution, dust, sebum or dead cells that accumulate and which, by force, suffocate the hair. We take the time to gently massage the skull (as at the hairdresser for example) before letting the foam flow over the lengths when rinsing to clean them. Technique tested and approved!

Our favourites:Jade Roll-on, Propolia Gentle Shampoo

Sun protection all year round

The sun is one of the worst enemies of the skin and its youthfulness. We therefore get into the habit, summer and winter alike, of combining a treatment with an SPF index or sun protection into our routine. This neutralizes the free radicals responsible for premature skin aging, spots or slackening. You can add to your moisturizer, every morning, a little sunscreen or a colorless loose makeup powder with SPF15 protection factor. This shield preserves our skin, and all its beauty!

Our favourites:Omum's pretty complexion protection, Madara's SPF30 face sunscreen

Additional tips

Here is a small, non-exhaustive list, to conclude this file, on gestures that can save our beauty. We hope you find your inspiration there:

- finish your shampoo with a jet of cold water to reveal the shine of the hair

- for the bravest, we also do it on the body at the end of the shower, starting with the legs, to boost circulation

- apply cornflower floral water ice cubes to the eyes and dark circles to refresh and tone the look

- provide hydration and sheathing to the hair with Aloe vera gel in touch-up on dry hair

- practice regular physical activity, such as 30 minutes of brisk walking a day, yoga or running

- turn off screens in the evening to avoid blue light

- have a good breakfast in the morning and snack in the afternoon (fruits, cereals, dark chocolate...)

- drink plenty of water (minimum 1.5L per day)

- light dinner in the evening so as not to be bothered by digestion

So, be ready to adopt these life-saving gestures as soon as the new school year begins!