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Beauty of the complexion:how to unify your complexion?

Accumulate layers of foundation? Very little for you! If the beauty of the complexion is important to you, you want to obtain a natural result, closer to the “healthy glow” effect than to the Photoshop effect. To have a nice complexion, the key is uniformity! How to unify your complexion? How to have a smooth and luminous complexion? Here are our tips for getting peachy skin, without makeup.

Evening your complexion without makeup:is it possible?

Just as fashion evolves with each new season, makeup trends bring something new every day to our beauty looks. Lately, the big trend has been “nude”:natural beauty , for a healthy glow effect, without overdoing it. But what is the basis of a successful natural beauty treatment? An unified complexion, of course.

To unify your complexion without makeup , you must first understand what is dulling your complexion. Among the factors that blur the complexion:a lack of hydration, an overproduction of sebum, the presence of acne scars, redness, or pigment spots. All these little problems can impact the beauty of the complexion . However, they are not inevitable:a good skincare routine makes it easy to even out your complexion without foundation.

How to unify your complexion?

Hunting dead skin and impurities

To have a nice complexion , unified and luminous, you must first obtain clear skin:exit impurities, toxins, excess sebum, and dead skin. These, by covering the skin, prevent it from breathing and oxygenating properly. In addition, impurities and dead skin dull the complexion. Ultimately, when the skin is not properly cleansed, it can even be a source of irritation and imperfections.

Start by cleansing your skin morning and evening . In the morning, a gentle cleansing, in the evening, make-up removal and deep cleansing, to allow the skin to regenerate during the night. At the same time, exfoliate once or twice a week. Regular exfoliation will eliminate impurities lodged deep in the epidermis, and tighten pores. You can say goodbye to blackheads , dead skin, and dilated pores!

Reduce scars, spots, and redness

The most difficult thing when you want to unify your complexion naturally , it is the small defects that dull the complexion:acne scars, pigment spots, or redness in sensitive skin. If makeup can be a solution to "camouflage" flaws, the most effective way is to attack the cause.

Do you have acne scars? Use a treatment based on soothing and healing active ingredients. Our Pure Pulp beauty restorative treatments contain Condurango, a plant known to cleanse, beautify and soothe problem skin. If the scars are marked, do not hesitate to turn to a dermatologist.

For pigment spots , the key is in regular exfoliations and targeted care, in order to reduce them. Finally, if you have redness, choose treatments suitable for sensitive and reactive skin, so as not to amplify the phenomenon. In particular, remember to fill up with hydration and nutrition, with pampering treatments, like our Age Commando face balm.

Stimulate blood microcirculation

In order to unify your complexion without makeup, blood microcirculation is crucial. Indeed, when circulation is poor, the blood stagnates in the small vessels that run through the skin tissue of the face. Results ? A dull and tired complexion , which tends towards grey. In addition, poor circulation accentuates dark circles and puffiness, and there, it is the complexion of the day after the evening guaranteed!

To activate microcirculation, mechanical exfoliation is very effective. But to strengthen your circulation on a daily basis, consider self-massages of the face. When you apply your moisturizer, morning and evening, take the time to gently massage your skin . Start from the inside of the face working outwards. Insist on wrinkles to smooth them out, as well as dark circles and puffiness, to decongest the area. It's simple, but terribly effective to unify your complexion without foundation !

Moisturize your skin, but not with just any care

When you wonder how to even out your complexion , you just have to start with the essentials:hydration. Healthy skin naturally presents a luminous and even complexion. To have healthy skin, moisturize it every day, with a treatment adapted to your skin type .

Bet on a cream rich in lipids if you have dry skin, on an anti-aging cream if you want to reduce the signs of skin aging, over a light moisturizer if you have oily skin. Knowing your skin type and taking care of your skin accordingly is essential.

Finally, to give your complexion a boost , you can use a good-looking cream, like our Pure Pulp Glow, which releases natural pigments on application. It thus unifies the complexion gently, for a natural look. Another option, the tinted cream, like our Flash Protect:your skin will be hydrated, unified thanks to the pigments contained in the formula, without a marked make-up effect.