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Burned by the sun? How to treat your skin

Burned by the sun? How to treat your skin

Still, it's nice to have that warm weather. But the sun also has a downside:with insufficient protection you can burn your skin badly. How can you treat your skin if that happens?

If you have not applied your skin well and often enough with a high factor sunscreen, you can get sunburnt. If your skin is burned, there are a few things you can do to ease the pain.

  • If your skin feels burned, immediately find a place in the shade.
  • Cover your skin with a loose-fitting cotton shirt so that your skin can breathe.
  • If you suffer from pain, take a painkiller such as ibuprofen.
  • You can also let your skin cool down by placing a wet towel on it for 15 minutes.

Read also: 'Why does your skin peel when you're burned?'

  • You can also take a lukewarm shower, but if there is blistering, it is better to take a bath. It is better not to open the blisters yourself, because this increases the risk of inflammation. They will open on their own.
  • Do not rub your skin dry, but pat it dry.
  • Apply an unscented lotion to your skin. Aloe vera can provide some relief from the burning sensation.
  • Make sure you drink enough, because sunburn can cause your skin to dry out. So drink enough water to help your body recover. Leave alcohol behind for a while.