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What to eat to prepare your skin for the sun?

Summer is coming, everyone is getting ready to go out with light clothes, a hat, sandals and sunglasses. But be careful, you have to be well prepared so as not to come back from the beach with red skin. Contrary to popular belief, a good tan is not just the result of products applied to the skin and sunburn. The radiance of the skin also goes through the plate. You need a good nutritious diet so that the skin can withstand the sun's rays well and not overproduce free radicals. Food indeed helps the skin to defend itself against external aggressions and to remain soft, supple and shiny.

Good hydration

Hydration is not just lotions, creams, etc. It is above all the water that each person must drink on a daily basis. This is especially important during the summer season because the body tends to dry out. It is then necessary to drink as much water as possible according to the needs of the body according to the age, the activity carried out or the size. On average, each person should drink 1.5 liters of water a day.

Water intake is essential, especially for skin that will be exposed to the sun's rays. Water ensures the hydration of the cells, especially those of the epidermis, which in the dehydration phase can present micro wrinkles or can crack. It is also necessary to favor foods rich in water such as fresh fruits including watermelon, citrus fruits, etc. or raw vegetables like cucumber, etc.

Foods to prepare your skin for the sun

To tan, without burning or aging prematurely, you need foods rich in vitamin A such as dairy products including butter or fresh milk, eggs and fatty fish, namely sardines, tuna, herring and mackerel. Vitamin C is also essential to ensure good looks as well as vitamin E. It is then necessary to take regularly kiwi, pepper, citrus fruits, red fruits, vegetable oils including that of walnut or olive and cereal sprouts during the summer season. To ensure a good intake of selenium and trace elements, you must also put seafood, shellfish, whole grains or even onions and garlic on your plate. Foods rich in carotenoids are also necessary to prepare the skin for the sun. It is then necessary to add apricot or carrot in the menu.

All these foods help to fight against free radicals that are generated by the ultraviolet rays of the sun. These are particularly harmful to skin cells.

Good fats against inflammation and for skin elasticity

If bad fats such as animal fats present in processed meats are to be prohibited from food for a good complexion, good fats are to be preferred. Among these good fats, there are vegetable oils including rapeseed oil or olive oil. They provide the good quality fats necessary to optimize the protection of the skin. They are also rich in vitamin E which, like polyphenols and carotenoids, improves the skin's defenses against ultraviolet rays. This nutrient also slows down the appearance of sunburn. To reduce the risk of inflammation caused by UV rays in the epidermis, the omega-3 in oily fish is also essential.

How to prepare food?

To optimize the preparation and protection of the skin thanks to food, there are ways of preparation that must be respected. In most cases, foods are better raw than cooked. However, there are some dishes that require some cooking time.

Most vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, squash are best raw. This optimizes their contributions. It should also be noted that elements such as vitamin C and other antioxidants are poorly resistant to heat and light. For vegetables such as green beans, spinach or even broccoli which are more difficult to swallow raw, al dente cooking is perfect. This is a short wok or steam cooking method that preserves most of their vitamin C.

To enhance the taste, it is possible to add lemon juice or a reasonable dose of vinaigrette sauce or other non-oily sauces. For packaging, avoid ready-made trays and favor ceramic or glass containers.

The best desserts for the skin

When it is hot, people usually eat cold foods such as ice cream, frozen drinks, etc. And yet, the sugars they contain are not necessarily good for the health of the body and the skin. The ideal is to take tea or unsweetened fruit juice instead. It is also recommended to consume raw fruits such as apple, pear, pineapple, kiwi, grapes, watermelon, mango, plum, etc.

You should also swap chocolates, confectionery products and sweets for nuts, dried fruits, almonds or hazelnuts. These are rich in carotenes, vitamin E and selenium.

What about dietary supplements?

There are special sun food supplements which can be consumed in moderation and which represent a good alternative to prepare your skin for summer. They are indeed composed of nutrients that boost the tan. The ideal is to take these products about a month before exposure to the sun, so a month before going on vacation for example.

Nevertheless, care must be taken not to combine food supplements. Although these products can have a good effect on the skin, their consumption should not be excessive. They can become harmful to health in high doses. It is therefore necessary to respect the dosage prescribed by the professionals.