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What are the effects of the sun on the skin?

The sun and the skin is a double-edged love story. Sometimes its rays are beneficial to us, sometimes they ruin the youthfulness of our skin. What are the effects of the sun on the skin? How to prevent them? Veld's accompanies you to prepare your summer safely.

What are the positive effects of the sun?

Tanning, the trendy healthy glow effect

This is one of the most appreciated effects of the sun on the skin:have a nice golden tan, as soon as the fine weather arrives . It is the melanocytes that are at the origin of this pigmentation:stimulated by the rays of the sun, these cells increase their production of melanin , the brown pigment that absorbs UVB rays and darkens skin tone.

The higher the amount of melanin in the skin, the more tanned you are and the more your skin is "armed" to protect itself from solar radiation. Because yes, tanning is nothing more than a defense reaction of the skin against UV rays!

Vitamin D synthesis

Absorbed in reasonable quantities by the epidermis, the rays of the sun encourage the synthesis of vitamin D. It is involved in the fixation of phosphorus and calcium on the bones, and therefore plays a leading role in growth and the robustness of the skeleton . A deficiency leads to a risk of rickets or bone demineralization. Note that the body's ability to produce vitamin D decreases with age and skin pigmentation.

What are the negative effects of the sun on the skin?

The sunburn

You must have known this:when you come back from the beach or from a walk in the sun, your skin is abnormally red. In short, you have caught a sunburn, which is far from being as sympathetic as that sung by Richard Cocciante. This is one of the most rapid and visible effects of the sun on the skin:the cells of the epidermis have been literally destroyed by UVB rays . Often painful, these rashes can leave indelible marks and lead to hospitalization. Hence the importance of properly preparing your skin for the sun!

Photo-induced skin aging

Sun and wrinkles are closely related. Very different from physiological skin aging, and therefore natural, photo-induced aging is linked to UVA rays, the radiation that penetrates the deepest into the skin. Once in the dermis, they irreversibly modify cellular constituents . On the program:deeper wrinkles, thickened skin and a significant loss of elasticity. In the worst case, the effects of UV on the skin lead to skin cancer…

How to protect yourself against skin aging due to the sun?

Moisturize your skin morning and evening

To fight against the effects of the sun on the skin and maintain the barrier function of your epidermis, the first reflex to have is to provide it with its daily dose of water and lipids . To do this, choose a moisturizer adapted to your skin type and be sure to apply it morning and evening:dehydrated skin will turn to the Age2o anti-aging cream, while dry skin will opt for the Age Commando anti-wrinkle balm.

Apply sun protection daily

In order to prevent the negative effects of the sun on the skin, the best thing is still to protect yourself properly! And in all seasons:although solar radiation is stronger in summer, it is present throughout the year. So don't step outside without good sun protection !

Thanks to Flash Protect, you can combine complexion make-up and UV protection on a daily basis. For your prolonged exposures, SPF 30 or 50 sunscreen is mandatory. And if the damage is already done, consider healing creams to relieve sunburn...