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What are the virtues of Marseille soap for my skin?

Marseille soap, the ecological product in the shower

Marseille soap is widely used to clean the house and also recommended for washing children's clothes. You should know that it is completely hypoallergenic, which makes it a valuable everyday ally. What if you gave it a place of choice in your bathroom? Marseille soap has many dermatological properties. In addition, it is ecological and economical. It is natural and biodegradable. It can easily replace the many shower gels lying around on your shower or bathtub. The only precaution you should take is to choose an extra pure Marseille soap... Many soaps today have the name "Marseille soap" when they are not really. You can wash your body and face without any worries. Marseille soap can be a solution or an avenue for all women looking for products with a natural composition.

Marseille soap, ideal for calming irritations

Marseille soap is credited with many virtues. It is ideal for calming irritations, but also for oily skin with imperfections. If you have acne-prone skin, bet on Marseille soap for your daily facial cleansing. In the morning, it deeply cleanses the skin and regulates the production of sebum, enemy number 1 of oily skin. In the evening, you can replace your cleanser with Marseille soap, after the make-up removal step. Clear and clean skin guaranteed! If you suffer from irritation, put your classic shower gel in the closet and use Marseille soap for a while. It is even recommended for the fragile and sensitive skin of babies. It also works miracles on diaper rashes, because it does not sting. In general, Marseille soap is so soft that it does not irritate the skin, unlike many classic soaps and shower gels that are often too abrasive. Also know that it can be used by your men to shave.

Marseille soap, perfect for soothing wounds

Marseille soap, a product that smells of Provence, is also perfect for soothing wounds. Hypoallergenic, it is strongly recommended to disinfect and treat small wounds. In case of burns or small cuts, do not hesitate to clean with Marseille soap. It also helps promote healing. For people with allergies, this little soap can be ideal. For the record, until the middle of the 20th century, surgeons used Marseille soap to wash and disinfect their hands before each operation. This highly effective product has proven itself over many generations. What's more, you can even make it at home.