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What are the benefits of lemon? For who?

And if we take a closer look at one of the most used citrus fruits in our fridge:lemon .

Everyone knows that lemon has antioxidant properties and is an excellent source of vitamins, but these are far from the only benefits of lemon .

A real fruit with multiple virtues, lemon is an ally of choice to consume regularly or to use for beauty recipes. I suggest you take a tour of the many benefits of this acidic citrus fruit.

7 benefits of lemon to know

An antioxidant for the skin

Lemon is a citrus fruit very rich in vitamin C . It is an excellent antioxidant for the skin!

To benefit from the benefits of lemon on the skin , so you have several options:drink it in juice or use it on the skin in beauty treatments. But be careful not to use it alone because it dries out a lot!

Lemon is also used for wrinkles or for acne problems and is particularly indicated for people with oily skin. It acts as a powerful antiseptic and regulates sebum!

Shiny hair

And yes, if you want to give a little boost to your dull hair, nothing could be easier than to get a lemon from the fridge!

Lemon has the power to make hair shine . But be careful, it dries out the scalp and the lengths, so it should only be used as a treatment from time to time.

I advise you to make a lemon-based hair mask and egg yolk. Leave on for a few minutes then wash your hair as usual.

Better digestion

Whether it's to cleanse your liver after a boozy evening or a hearty meal, lemon will help you eliminate bad accumulated toxins .

In fact, this citrus fruit facilitates transit thanks to its citric acid content which is involved in the stimulation of bile. Lemon is therefore an excellent fruit for cleansing the body .

Eliminates brown spots

You know those little brown spots on your hands, the ones that appear with age? Well, guess what? Lemon can help you get rid of them!

Thanks to its acidity, lemon acts as an exfoliant and lightens spots . Just rub your hands with slices of lemon to see the results after a few weeks.

A booster in winter

Like any antioxidant, lemon contains properties with protective properties against winter germs (and summer for that matter).

Drink lemon regularly strengthens your immune system . In herbal tea or in lukewarm water, it will be very easy to add lemon to a drink to benefit from its benefits.

Does lemon make you lose weight?

Many sites tout the benefits of lemon for weight loss . But beware, this is a received idea.

No, lemon has no slimming virtues! It is a diuretic, so it is interesting to use it in addition to a diet or to relieve the phenomenon of water retention. It is also an ideal appetite suppressant to prevent cravings.

Good for the cardiovascular system

Thanks to its antioxidant properties and high vitamin content, lemon helps protect your heart .

It is an ally in preventing many cardiovascular problems such as hypertension, cholesterol or the appearance of varicose veins.

Good to know

Be careful, however, to do not abuse the lemon because it also has its small flaws.

For example,lemon makes teeth yellow . The citric acid contained in the lemon attacks the dental enamel and facilitates the attachment of dirt. People who consume it regularly every morning have every interest in being wary as soon as dental symptoms appear.

To avoid this kind of problem, it is best not to bite into a slice of lemon directly but to dilute the juice well in water.

Finally, although there is no denying the benefits of lemon on the faith , it may be harmful for people with sensitive stomachs (ulcer, GERD). The strong acidity of lemon, especially when consumed in large quantities and on an empty stomach, can have the opposite effect and create stomach pain.

In summary

  • Lemon is very interesting but it should always be consumed in hot, cold or lukewarm water. Better not to abuse it if you have dry skin or stomach problems.
  • For liver cleansing, drink lemon juice in lukewarm water in the morning before your breakfast.