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Psoriasis:what are the most effective treatments?

What is psoriasis?

An inflammatory disease attacking the skin, psoriasis is manifested by the appearance of thick red patches most often on the knees, elbows and scalp. Not contagious, this disease is however chronic, and can alter the quality of life of people who are affected.

Psoriasis is caused by an abnormality in the renewal cycle of skin cells. At some point, the body mistakenly identifies a substance and considers it an invader. The immune system then begins to act, and does not stop. Thus, new cells appear without the dead cells being eliminated , which causes the accumulation of excessive cells visible on the skin (red patches).

What are the different types of psoriasis?

The appearance of red patches is the most common form of psoriasis. This variant is called psoriasis vulgaris. However, there are other types of psoriasis.

In young subjects (children and young adults), the most common form is guttate psoriasis. The rash appears as small sores on the trunk and root of the thighs and arms. Other possible forms are erythrodermic psoriasis (generalized form) and pustular psoriasis. Note that psoriasis can appear on other parts of the body, depending on its type. In some cases, the inflammation predominates on the nails (nail psoriasis), the scalp, the folds of the body (reverse psoriasis), the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet (palmar-plantar psoriasis).

How to properly treat psoriasis?

To this day, no one can completely cure psoriasis. The treatments currently offered are intended to relieve symptoms and calm flare-ups.

Three types of processing are possible:

  • Local treatment:application of gel, ointment or cream to skin lesions;
  • Phototherapy:removal of lesions by UV rays;
  • Systematic treatment:oral route or injections (especially to treat severe forms).

In any case, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The advice of a professional is always advisable to find the treatment adapted to the form of your disease.

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