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Facial psoriasis:find out how to treat it naturally!

Facial psoriasis:how to recognize it?

Facial psoriasis is a disease characterized by the appearance of red patches on the skin. It is due to too rapid regeneration of the cells of the epidermis. The symptoms of this condition vary from patient to patient. On one side, lesions appear on different parts of the face such as cheeks, ears, forehead, nose or eyebrows. On the other hand, unpleasant sensations are felt in the skin (pain, itching, etc.).

Regardless of the form of symptoms, facial psoriasis can be difficult to live with. Indeed, seeing the state of the face of those affected, many mistakenly believe that this disease is contagious. However, it has been proven that this pathology is not contagious, even on contact. If you are affected, the best solution is to accommodate yourself and try to hide the red patches with natural solutions.

What causes facial psoriasis?

Despite years of study, the true causes of facial psoriasis remain unknown. Scientists say, however, that many factors contribute to the onset of seizures, including:

  • Environmental or genetic factors
  • Situations causing physical stress (surgery, injuries, infections, medication, etc.);
  • Psychic stress (anxiety, nervous fatigue, etc.);
  • Autoimmune reactions that stimulate the multiplication of skin cells.

How to treat facial psoriasis?

If facial psoriasis is not yet curable, it is possible to reduce its symptoms. To achieve this, there is no need to buy drugs. It is enough to follow natural treatments aimed at concealing the red patches and relieving the unpleasant sensations caused by the disease. Here are some treatments you can practice to better cope with flare-ups:

  • Apply a cortisone-based cream to your face:this cream has anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial for the skin;
  • Apply vitamin D ointment:this ointment has positive effects on the maturation and multiplication of epidermal cells;
  • Use essential oils with beneficial effects for the skin, such as sweet almond oil, Aloe vera oil, etc.).

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