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How to rejuvenate with facial yoga?

The facial yoga is an ancestral practice that comes straight from Japan! Popularized by Sylvie Lefranc's book, "Face Yoga", this self-massage technique is gradually developing in France. What is facial yoga? What are the benefits of this practice? Entirely natural, it reduces the signs of aging and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. What are the exercises to do to strengthen your face? How often to carry them out? Let's discover together how to firm your skin with facial yoga .

What is facial yoga?

How to rejuvenate with facial yoga?

Facial yoga:an ancient practice

Facial yoga is an ancestral practice that finds its origins in the land of the rising sun, Japan. Increasingly popular, facial yoga has gradually developed in the United States and England. In France, it was popularized thanks to the publication of the book " Yoga du visage " by Éditions Leduc. Its author, Sylvie Lefranc , is the founder of the Tigre Yoga Club in Paris. Through the realization of simple exercises , facial yoga prevents and reduces the signs of aging . It is intended for people who wish to maintain the suppleness and tone of their skin. Practiced regularly, it is an effective alternative to cosmetic surgery .

An effective method to prevent the signs of aging

The anti-wrinkle facial yoga is a practice combining self-massage with facial exercises aimed at boosting the skin. The objective is to maintain the epidermis in order to preserve its suppleness, firmness and elasticity. The principle is the same as during a sports activity! To stay in shape and maintain your abilities, it is necessary to train regularly. The applied exercises also stimulate specific energy points encouraging rest and relaxation. Thus, facial yoga combines:

  • self-massage and acupressure (skin pressure points) promoting the production of collagen;
  • the meditation and breathing exercises aimed at evacuating the tensions and negative emotions responsible for certain expression lines;
  • yoga through the realization of ideal postures for the regeneration of the whole body.

If facial yoga is a gentle practice, some exercises may nevertheless be contraindicated in people suffering from bruxism (contraction of the jaws), herniated discs or any other problem related to the joints of the neck and face. If in doubt, contact a doctor before starting.

How to rejuvenate with facial yoga?

What are the benefits of facial yoga?

Promote rest and relaxation

By combining yoga, breathing and meditation , facial yoga promotes rest and relaxation. The realization of simple postures makes it possible to evacuate the muscular tensions accumulated in the body and in the face. In addition, meditation reduces stress and calms the flow of thoughts.

Slow down the appearance of wrinkles

Facial yoga reduces the signs of aging and prevents the appearance of wrinkles . By stimulating collagen production through self-massage, it promotes the regeneration of skin cells. Boosted, the skin is smoothed and looks younger.

This practicealso improves microcirculation through the different layers of the epidermis, which facilitates the supply of essential nutrients to the skin. Facial yoga thus makes it possible to fight against the appearance of frown lines or "crow's feet", to firm the oval of the face, to plump up the lips or to reduce the double chin. This technique would even have positive effects on acne!

Combined with a balanced diet and a good hygiene of life (regular exercise, limitation of excess sugar, alcohol or fat, quality sleep), anti-wrinkle facial yoga is an effective method. It can also be combined with an anti-aging treatment adapted to your skin type!

How to practice facial yoga?

How to rejuvenate with facial yoga?

The frequency of facial yoga

To be effective, anti-wrinkle facial yoga must be practiced regularly. The ideal is to perform the exercises on a daily basis ! In her book, Sylvie Lefranc explains that five to ten minutes a day is enough to stimulate collagen production and firm the face visibly and permanently. For people aged between 20 and 40, one to two sessions per week can prevent the appearance of wrinkles .

Massage accessories

Traditionally, facial yoga is practiced through the pressure of energy points precise located on the skin. These areas can be stimulated with fingers or hands, but you can also use one or more massage tools:

  • the massage roller , composed of semi-precious stones such as rose quartz, obsidian or aventurine, boosts the production of collagen;
  • the Gua Sha is a semi-precious stone that brings tone and freshness to the skin. Combined with a vegetable oil or a serum, it has a soothing and relaxing power;
  • the Mushroom is particularly aimed at the eye contour. Made of semi-precious stones, its ergonomic shape reduces fine lines and stimulates microcirculation;
  • the suction cup massages the epidermis in depth. Derived from traditional Chinese medicine, it smoothes the skin and restores radiance to the complexion.

Some exercises to practice facial yoga

How to firm the cheeks and around the mouth

This exercise helps fight the bitterness wrinkle located at the corner of your lips and firm the contour of the mouth. Thus, it is a question of inflating the cheeks as much as possible, avoiding letting the air out. Hold the position for 15 seconds and then exhale. Then, dig into your days by opening your eyes wide and remaining still for a few seconds before releasing. Repeat the exercise three times in a row.

How to strengthen the oval of the face?

This exercise aims to tone the cheeks and redraw the oval of the face . To do this, tilt your head back and pretend to give ten kisses to the sky, exaggerating the movement. Then reposition your head normally and exhale gently with your mouth in your heart. Do not hesitate to send positive thoughts to the people you love during this exercise!

Discover other exercises in video to redraw the oval of the face:

How to tone the eye area and reduce dark circles?

This exercise is ideal for correcting the signs of aging located around the eyes. Practiced once or twice a week, it tones the eyelids and reduces dark circles by stimulating blood circulation. Place each of your index fingers on the eyelids and inhale deeply. Then exhale slowly trying to open your eyes.

Facial yoga is an ancestral practice from Japan. By combining self-massage and breathing, it reduces the signs of aging and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Thanks to yoga and meditation, it promotes relaxation and muscle relaxation. Combined with a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, it is an effective anti-wrinkle!