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Stretch marks and pregnancy:how to avoid and reduce them?

Pregnancy, puberty, weight gain are specific periods of life that promote the appearance of stretch marks . During pregnancy, stretch marks affect more than one in two women. Although they are painless and harmless to health, they are however feared as the pregnancy progresses for their unsightly side. Is it possible to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy ? What effective treatments to use? We explain everything in this article!

Stretch marks and pregnancy:how to avoid and reduce them?

A pregnancy without stretch marks:yes, stretch marks are not inevitable

How and when do pregnancy stretch marks appear?

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many modifications and physical changes. Hormonal variations are partly responsible for this. Even if most stretch marks appear between the 6th and 8th month of pregnancy , the stretch mark formation mechanism begins very early. This is due to the strong hormonal variations which lead to a dysfunction of the cellular system.

The fibroblast transforms into a myofibroblast (transformation into a muscle-like cell) during the 1st trimester of pregnancy leading to an inhibition of the production of collagen and elastin. These constituents, fundamental for the skin, no longer play their role, lose their cohesion and weaken the skin.

As the pregnancy progresses, the belly becomes round and lacks flexibility. The skin, already weakened by this disorganization of collagen and elastin fibers, breaks as soon as they undergo too much tension in the last trimester.

An oil or moisturizer will therefore not be sufficient to prevent stretch marks because it is necessary to act on the structure of the skin. It is essential to apply natural stretch mark treatments dedicated to pregnancy as an organic anti-stretch mark cream.

In summary, stretch marks appear for two main reasons:

  • Hormonal variations causing cellular degradation and disorganization (collagen and elastin fibers) weakening the structure of the skin;
  • The mechanical tensions of the skin related to stretching of the skin.

Stretch marks and pregnancy:how to avoid and reduce them?

Red and white stretch marks:what are the differences?

Pregnancy stretch marks appear especially on the stomach, lower back, hips, chest, buttocks, upper and inner thighs. When they are recent or when they appear, stretch marks are red/purple, a sign of localized inflammation. They will turn white afterwards because they are at the so-called mature stage. At this stage,no treatment can reduce them . It is therefore necessary to bet on the prevention of stretch marks or act as soon as the stretch mark is still at the immature stage, i.e. at the inflammatory stage observable by a red/violet colour.

Téane Laboratories:a range of certified organic skincare products to prevent and repair pregnancy stretch marks

Téane Laboratories is a French brand offering expert care for the skin problems encountered by pregnant women and babies with natural and certified organic solutions.

During a trip more than 10 years ago to Madagascar, Agnès Ducrocq, founder of Laboratoires Téane, discovered a plant:Cassia Alata . After years of Research &Development, the active ingredients of this plant reveal extraordinary virtues for the prevention and repair of stretch marks.

A few years later, this plant will show benefits for the atopic skin of babies . 2 patents have been filed by Laboratoires Téane on the innovative active ingredients of this plant.

Téane Laboratories offers the 100% Maman range, a range of treatments dedicated to the prevention and repair of pregnancy stretch marks . The brand promises you products without compromising on safety while combining pleasure, efficiency and naturalness.

Stretch marks and pregnancy:how to avoid and reduce them?

How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy with natural care?

Stretch marks and pregnancy:how to avoid and reduce them?

The Stretch Mark Prevention Program contains two treatments to effectively and naturally prevent pregnancy stretch marks. These two treatments, certified organic , are complementary because they act on the two causes of the appearance of stretch marks:the destructuring of the skin due to hormonal variations and stretching of the skin .

The Stretch Marks 1st Care Cream contains the patented Cassia Alata extract. This cream acts on skin dysfunctions caused by hormonal variations. It protects elastin fibers and stimulates collagen production .

The Generous Soothing Oil immediately brings comfort to the skin. This oil is rich in 6 vegetable oils, this treatment improves the elasticity of the skin , nourishes it deeply and reduces the sensations of itching and tightness.

The brand has carried out clinical studies and this Stretch Mark Prevention Program reveals very good results:88% of women did not have stretch marks during pregnancy while more than 50% of women usually have it during pregnancy.

These treatments should be applied to all areas prone to stretch marks throughout pregnancy:

  • 1st trimester:Apply Stretch Marks 1st Care Cream all over the body morning and evening
  • 2nd trimester:Apply the 1st Stretch Mark Care Cream in the morning and the Soothing Generous Oil in the evening with a massage
  • 3rd trimester:Mix Stretch Marks 1st Care Cream with Generous Soothing Oil and apply this mixture morning and evening.
  • After childbirth:stretch marks can also occur after childbirth because the woman still undergoes hormonal variations especially with the rise of milk. Continue applying the Stretch Marks 1st Care Cream morning and evening for several weeks.

Treatments to repair pregnancy stretch marks

If stretch marks have recently appeared and are still in the inflammatory stage, the brand also offers Baume SOS Vergetures to repair and reduce stretch marks . To firm and tone the body after childbirth, we advise you to apply the Fresh Firming Milk to the chest and stomach. The Milk will complement the effectiveness of the SOS Stretch Marks Balm to repair stretch marks because it contains active ingredients with benefits on tissue repair such as rosehip oil.

The products are compatible with pregnancy and breastfeeding . They contain no alcohol, no essential oils, no allergens or any controversial substances.

stretch mark care of the Téane range are aimed at pregnant women, teenagers and teenagers, as well as all those who wish to fight against stretch marks while respecting their health and the planet.

The brand also offers a skincare range dedicated to babies' dry, sensitive, atopic-prone skin.