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Your stretch marks and you...

Let's be clear, I'm sure you all know about stretch marks. Don't lie to me!

Who doesn't have a few cute little ones in certain parts of the body, like nazca lines (less figurative, on the other hand)? For some, it's a little disturbing, but don't worry, we can fix it. A little. But first, a small theoretical point!

What is a stretch mark?

The skin, subjected to an extension that exceeds the limits of its elasticity, cracks and then stretch marks appear. Indeed, the collagen fibers being broken, we see fine streaks appear, like small scars.

This could be due to several things:

• A high level of cortisol in the blood

• Weight gain or loss

• The pregnancy.

It is found mainly on the hips, buttocks, breasts, thighs.

How to avoid them?

By avoiding risk factors as much as possible (ok, it's not always possible, that's for sure!) and by doing everything possible to maintain the elasticity of the skin.

How to get rid of it?

There are several ways to treat stretch marks:

• By stimulating the production of elastic fibers in the skin (with silicon, vitamin A, vitamin E)

• By moisturizing and nourishing it.

• By massaging it.

Can we really get rid of it?

I'm not going to lie to you... Your old stretch marks, the white, pearly ones, have little chance of fading, let alone disappearing, except possibly with laser treatment. The others, on the other hand, can react very well to the care you give them, even if their total disappearance would be very surprising. In effect, the idea is to treat stretch marks like scars. What is needed is for the skin to renew itself.

So, here are some ways to help you:

• Massage to make the treatments penetrate and activate blood circulation.

• Exfoliate to “evacuate” dead cells and allow faster renewal. (1 to 2 times a week)

• Nourish and hydrate your skin, to allow it to regenerate, to not miss anything and to keep its elasticity. Above all, be regular, because practicing treatments once a month is not going to change anything (I know it, I tried!). The skin is subjected to all external aggressions, but also internal ones. So pay attention to your diet, and possibly take natural food supplements.

Which products to use?

And that's where Belle au Naturel saves the day! This month, with the code SEGALA for any new order, an organic anti-stretch mark body oil from Segala laboratories is offered . However, this oil, applied in circular massages morning and evening on areas prone to stretch marks helps prevent their appearance while promoting their reduction!

It is composed of prickly pear macerate, regenerating, jojoba oil and calophylle, circulatory, as well as centella asiatica extract, healing and emollient. We therefore check massage and hydration of the skin with this cosmetic!

For exfoliation, the cosmetic Guérande scrub will be perfect, as will the Coco Loco from Comette Cosmetics!

So much for your stretch marks! Ah, and even if spring is here, you know what they say... In April, don't discover yourself by a thread!

Beauty blogger
Lilith’s World