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Hair psoriasis:how to find a healthy scalp?

What causes scalp psoriasis?

Recognizable by the red patches it leaves on different parts of the body, psoriasis is a fairly common skin disease. It can particularly affect the scalp, knees and elbows. Admittedly, it does not present a real danger to health, but it can considerably alter the quality of life. Indeed, it causes itching, pain and sometimes bleeding.

Unfortunately, the precise cause of this pathology remains unknown. Some experts claim that genetic and environmental factors favor its appearance. Others claim that the psoriasis that affects the hair is due to autoimmune reactions or psychic (anxiety, nervous fatigue, etc.) or physical stress (injuries, infections, medications, surgery, etc.).

Which shampoo for psoriasis?

Psoriasis affects your hair? Tired of itching too often? To reduce symptoms, use a mild shampoo purchased from a drugstore or pharmacy. Why such a choice ? Because the washing substances contained differ from those of the formulas of the large distributions. Indeed, this type of shampoo foams less and limits the risk of irritation. However, a simple irritation is enough to trigger the symptoms of psoriasis.

Also, when washing your hair, avoid using hot water, as it accentuates vasodilation, aggravates inflammation and causes itching.

Scalp psoriasis:the right things to relieve it

In some cases, even mild shampoos are not enough to relieve scalp psoriasis. Moreover, it is impossible to completely cure this disease. To reduce symptoms and slow the appearance of red patches, adopt the following habits:

  • Relax:Even if the origin of psoriasis is unknown, stress can be the trigger, hence the need to relax from time to time;
  • Expose yourself to the sun regularly:the sun's rays have been proven to work against psoriasis;
  • Choose your hygiene products wisely:opt for mild shampoos and soft boar bristle hairbrushes;
  • Use your hair dryer carefully:avoid blow-drying too close to your scalp, as the heat promotes the development of red patches and dry skin.


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