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Dandruff in the hair:how to soothe the itching?

Itching and dandruff:the causes

One day like any other, you notice the appearance of white particles on your shoulders and in your hair:dandruff has invaded your hair and you blame it on fate. Error ! Far from being insoluble, this hair and dermatological problem finds its source in various factors of your life:diet, sleep, poor hydration, stress,... Accompanied by itching, it can quickly become hell if you don't take care of it. not quickly. The use of anti-dandruff shampoos is not always enough, there are many solutions that can relieve itching and limit the flaking of your scalp.

Hydration against itching

You usually spread your body and face with various creams and ointments that deeply nourish your skin and restore suppleness and softness. And why not take care of your scalp in the same way? Often associated with dryness of the epidermis, dandruff and itching find their source in an obvious lack of hydration of the scalp. To overcome this problem, do not hesitate to practice a moisturizing mask once or twice a week in the attack phase in order to nourish your scalp. Argan, sweet almond or olive oil are your best allies:gently massage your roots in circular motions with one of these oils and leave on for about twenty minutes before proceeding with your usual shampoo. The nourishing action of the oils will rebalance the flora of your scalp and soothe itching.

Rebalancing the pH to say goodbye to dandruff

If dandruff and itching persist despite oil baths, you need to tackle the acidity of your scalp. Like the rest of our epidermis, the scalp responds to a basic/acidic balance that allows it to stay healthy and not suffer from dryness. If this balance is destabilized (pollution, diet, stress, too frequent use of the hair dryer, aggressive masks, etc.), dandruff appears and the itching becomes unbearable. A very simple solution exists to permanently eliminate these irritations:rinsing with vinegar water. Old grandmother's remedy, vinegar water is not only a great way to make your hair shine, it can also be very effective in calming an itchy scalp. After each shampoo, make your last rinse with cold water and a dose of white vinegar. Massage your scalp with this water for a fortnight to appreciate the benefits.

Make a natural mask to soothe itching

If your problem of dandruff and itching persists, do not hesitate to approach your favorite organic store to source wonderful natural powders that will help you cleanse your scalp. Sidr or rhassoul powders have been recognized for millennia for their soothing and cleansing properties. Sidr powder, derived from crushed jujube leaves, is a natural and gentle cleanser to gently fight against dandruff and soothe irritation of the most fragile scalps. Rhassoul, meanwhile, is a Moroccan volcanic clay that offers the same effectiveness on dandruff and itching. Twice a week, make a mask based on one of these powders and leave on for half an hour to an hour to enjoy the soothing benefits of these powders on your itching.