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3 homemade hair treatments to fight dandruff

The baking soda mask to fight dandruff

Most often, dandruff appears on our scalp when its balance is disturbed; shampoos unsuited to the type of hair, poor lifestyle, excessive use of the hair dryer, overly aggressive treatments... so many reasons behind their appearance.
To eliminate them permanently, you must therefore start from the root of the problem and clean up this obviously fragile ground. How? 'Or' What ? By making a care mask with bicarbonate. Here's how to do it!
Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with the equivalent of yogurt, add 3 drops of tea tree essential oil and massage your scalp with this mixture. Leave on for 30 minutes and follow with your usual shampoo. The combination of bicarbonate (purifying and exfoliating dead cells), yoghurt (antibacterial) and tea tree essential oil (which will purify the scalp) makes it an essential treatment to fight against dandruff.

Vinegar:the enemy of dandruff

Recognized for a long time for its antiseptic properties, vinegar is an excellent ally in the fight against dandruff. Antifungal, it in fact limits the proliferation of fungi responsible for irritation and therefore dandruff. Here's how to use it best!
Taking the recipe for the baking soda mask, you can very well add a tablespoon of white vinegar to it:just be sure to use a tall container, the vinegar and baking soda mixed forming a fairly dense foam. To better benefit from the virtues of vinegar on a daily basis, use it in your last rinse water after your shampoo:prepare a bottle of cold water in which you pour five tablespoons of white vinegar. Once your shampoo is finished and rinsed, pour your vinegar water on the hair and scalp then massage before drying. In addition to helping you eliminate bacteria, vinegar will make your hair soft and shiny.

Coarse salt:a scrub against dandruff

For your skin and your face, you do not hesitate to carry out a scrub beforehand which will open the pores and dislodge dead skin; It's the same for your scalp:if you want to clean it up, you need to exfoliate it once or twice a week. No need to ruin yourself, a spoon of coarse salt is enough to make it. In order to hydrate your scalp (dandruff is favored on a dry scalp), mix two tablespoons of oil (olive, sweet almond or argan) with a tablespoon of coarse salt. Massage the scalp then leave on for about twenty minutes before proceeding with your shampoo. Exfoliating and purifying, the salt will help dislodge dandruff and dead skin to help rebalance the life cycle of the scalp.