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Hair growth:these homemade treatments for long hair

Castor oil, a beauty ally for long hair in great shape

To promote hair growth and have a shiny mane, it is important to take care of your hair as you take care of your face. You have to eat a balanced diet and consume ingredients rich in vitamins, iron, protein and trace elements. It is also recommended to brush your hair before and after shampooing to stimulate blood flow. Every week, you can make a homemade treatment with a few ingredients. For starters, you can get castor oil. This vegetable oil has many benefits for the body. It is particularly appreciated for its stimulating and regenerating properties. To make a mask, you just need to mix a little castor oil with sweet almond oil. Gently massage your scalp, then apply the mixture to your ends. You can leave on for 1 hour before rinsing. Your long hair will immediately feel softer and shinier!

An egg treatment to accelerate hair growth

No need to spend your savings on cosmetics to maintain your long hair! Sometimes all you have to do is open the door of your fridge to find all the ingredients. Rich in protein, the egg is particularly appreciated to give a boost to your hair and promote growth. In a bowl, you can mix two egg yolks with one tablespoon of olive oil and one tablespoon of argan oil. Add a little water and apply this mask directly to your roots. Massage for several minutes, so as to stimulate blood flow and activate regrowth. Leave this mixture on for about twenty minutes, then rinse your lengths thoroughly with clean water before proceeding to the shampoo stage. It is also possible to add a yogurt to bring even more softness to your lengths.

A banana treatment to promote the growth of long hair

To have long hair in great shape, there's nothing like a multivitamin treatment! Bananas are a popular fruit in the kitchen for their sweet taste that blends easily with other ingredients. For the body, the banana is also rich in vitamins A, C and E. It accelerates hair growth, while providing softness and shine. You can easily make a homemade treatment by crushing a very ripe banana in a container. Add a few drops of Bay Saint Thomas essential oil, then apply this paste directly to your hair. After leaving it on for 20 minutes, you can rinse your locks and shampoo!