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Dandruff in the hair:beware of the hair dryer

Dandruff is not inevitable

Overnight, small white particles came to alter your daily life by spreading ungracefully on your shoulders. Horror! Dandruff sparse all your clothes and invade your hair giving you a neglected look. Far from coming from a certain lack of hygiene, they can on the other hand be explained by bad beauty habits that you must change at all costs if you want to get rid of them. You pamper your hair, however:repeated treatments, straightening, brushings, repairing masks, regular shampoos,... And if all these gestures were not ultimately to your scalp's taste and it let you know?

Beauty gestures to forget to avoid dandruff

Subjected to many treatments on a daily basis, our hair suffers and, through dandruff, it informs us to pay more attention to it. If you have got into the habit of subjecting them to brushings on a daily basis or that you have recourse to permanent straightening, know that the hair dryer is your scalp's worst enemy:its action and its repeated passages will weaken it and damage it. make it even drier, which will promote its desquamation and therefore the appearance of volatile dead skin. Washing your hair every day, an essential gesture? Not really. Repeated shampoos can weaken your scalp, because they are too astringent, especially if they are not suitable for your hair type. A shampoo every three days is more than enough to keep your hair clean. To stay in the register of washing, rinsing your hair with too hot water can also help develop the bacteria responsible for dandruff:by taking care to rinse your hair with cold water, you act on the pores by tightening them and thus reducing the production of sebum. Finally, if you are a follower of care (masks and other hair balms), know that their stripping active ingredients can attack the scalp and unbalance its natural flora. So be careful not to abuse these different treatments to enjoy beautiful hair without dandruff.

Poor lifestyle and dandruff

Although dandruff is most often associated with a dry scalp or the development of fungi and bacteria, dandruff can also have its origins in the way we live on a daily basis. Stressful work, unbalanced diet, uneven sleep… So many factors that will lead to the appearance of dandruff in some people. Associated with a ground already conducive to seeing the development of desquamation, these elements will only maintain the fragility of your scalp. Combined with the various treatments that will help fight dandruff, a better lifestyle can only be an asset in getting rid of it. Choose a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, natural sources of provitamins A and C, and various nuts and fatty fish rich in selenium:these essential nutrients.