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Choose your hair dryer according to the nature of your hair

The different functions of a hair dryer

Before whipping out your credit card to buy a new hair dryer, take the time to study its features. To find the model that corresponds to your type of hair and your use, first compare the ergonomics. Avoid too heavy models that you will find difficult to hold. If you are used to travel, turn to a smaller device or "pocket" format. Also be aware that your hair dryer must have a switch to ensure your safety. Today there are many models on the market that have nothing to envy to professional devices:preferably choose a ceramic or tourmaline model! These materials avoid having static electricity, while respecting the scale of the hair fiber. Ceramic no longer has to prove itself, since it distributes heat evenly. No risk of burning your lengths!

How to use the power of a hair dryer?

As you know, a hair dryer has different technical characteristics. It is possible to choose the temperature:hot is often chosen at the time of pre-drying, warm avoids damaging the fiber and cold fixes the scales at the end. Obviously, it is strongly advised not to abuse too much heat, the hair could lose its vitality. Always keep your electrical device at least 20 centimeters away. But the most important thing to take into account is above all the power of the model! Generally, there are devices from 1,300 to 2,000 watts. You should know that the more powerful your hair dryer, the less it will damage your lengths. So opt for a device with a minimum of 1,700 watts! If you have particularly fragile hair, it is important to choose a model with different speeds. The cold air option is also essential for unruly hair. Finally, if you have flat hair, the turbo option is a good idea to add volume!

Ionic hair dryers, a new hair revolution?

Your hairdresser may have already told you about this new technology:ionic hair dryers! These devices are attracting more and more professionals because they have an antistatic function. Thanks to the emission of negative ions, the hair remains disciplined. No more foamy effect! And if you have fine hair that tends to tangle easily, these models make detangling easy! This technology also brings shine to dull hair. Finally, when you buy a device, don't forget to take a look at the accessories:the diffuser is ideal for wavy and curly hair, while the concentrator allows you to blow-dry without a hitch!