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Brittle hair:the virtues of coconut oil on your hair

Why is your hair brittle?

If your hair is fragile, split ends and breaks easily, find the cause of this hair problem before treating your mane. The use of products that are too stripping, aggressive or unsuitable may be the cause. Limit their use. If you use a straightener or a curling iron, be aware that on a daily basis, they dry out and burn the hair. Very curly, frizzy or Afro-type hair is very fragile and gets damaged very quickly. Chemical bleaching or coloring also tends to make hair brittle. To take care of your hair, the ideal would be to turn to natural solutions that are gentle on your hair and your body. Commercial products that promise to repair your hair at the core of the hair fiber are not effective. They give the illusion of healthier hair because they are often full of silicone and sheathing products. Your hair won't get any better. Vegetable oils are very effective and economical. Coconut oil for your hair is really a must. Do not hesitate to use coconut oil on your hair and in abundance.

Coconut oil for your brittle hair:the miracle solution

Coconut oil is very popular for its benefits for the skin, but also for the hair. The main virtue of coconut oil for hair is hydration. For dry skin and hair, it is the ideal remedy. Indeed, coconut oil contains a substance called lauric acid which promotes the penetration of oil into the hair fiber and not only on the surface. In fact, coconut oil is one of the most effective oils for moisturizing brittle hair. In addition, coconut oil is a powerful growth activator. In fact, if your hair is in too bad condition and it is necessary to cut the ends, it will grow faster thanks to the application of coconut oil.

How to use coconut oil on your brittle hair?

Coconut oil can be used in an oil bath or as a mask. To make an oil bath, you must soak your lengths in coconut oil then wrap your hair in a towel, wait a few hours before rinsing. Otherwise, for a very nourishing coconut oil mask for your hair, mix in a bowl two tablespoons of coconut oil, a tablespoon of honey, a plain yogurt and a teaspoon of aloe vera gel. Mix all the ingredients well and apply all over the hair. Wrap in a warm towel and leave on for 2 hours to overnight. Then wash your hair in one or two shampoos.