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Damaged hair:how to repair it?

We asked the hairdresser Marisol* what causes our "bad hair days" and above all, to give us the solution so that our hair becomes soft and shiny again. Here we go!

I have split ends

Split ends often appear due to overuse of blow-drying, straightening plates, curling irons or any other heat source. And in the case of long hair, friction against clothes can also create split ends.

What to do to fix them? No secret remedy:if it is very damaged, “you have to cut”, assures Marisol. But you don't have to remove 5 cm from the tips. It is the hairdresser who determines what needs to be cut, looking closely at the fiber. “It may be tiny, but it feels after. »

I have dry hair

Bad luck:the hair can be dry by nature. But in most cases, the real concern is everything that is done to it:too many products, too much coloring, too much heat... All this ends up drying out the fiber which is rough to the touch.

What to do to fix them? We must hydrate the hair fiber, as we do on the face. And for that, Marisol recommends applying an oil before shampoo and a serum every day. This is all the more important for those who have naturally dry hair, where maintenance must then be done with each wash to prevent the fiber from becoming dry again. The hairdresser is more reserved about the use of moisturizing masks:“I did not find a really moisturizing mask. There are many on the market, but they have more of a makeup effect, the hair is beautiful and soft, but they do not work in depth and are not rich enough to nourish and go inside the hair. »

I have frizz

Frizz is the bane of hairdressers (yes!). Again, it's the nature of the fiber that makes you have frizz or not (#injustice). Neither straight nor curly, they are often difficult to style.

What to do to fix them? To reduce the frizz effect, use a serum that is applied at the root, only at the edge of the face. The good moment ? Just before drying them (before, the product risks being diluted, afterwards, it's too late, the damage, finally the frizz, is done).

My color is bleeding out

The colors oxidize on contact with air and UV rays, which will open the scales of the hair and promote the loss of pigments. Hyper-treated water in big cities doesn't help either... (Good to know:dark and red colors disgorge faster than others).

What to do to fix it? The secret is hydration, to allow the color to stick well to the hair fiber. And here again the oil after shampoo (without rinsing, therefore) is very effective. We also think of protecting the fiber from UV rays. And between two camps, if we find that ours has lost its vitality, we think of repigmenting treatments.

I have brittle hair

The brittle fiber is mainly due to our well-being:lack of energy, severe fatigue, annoyance or even iron deficiency can be the cause of a hair that breaks.

What to do to fix it? No miracle cure. "You have to treat internally with capsules to strengthen the hair," says Marisol. A cure of 3 months is often enough to solve the problem (and if it is recurrent, we do not hesitate to anticipate and do a cure at each change of season). At the same time, we take care of ourselves, in particular through food but also relaxation.

* Salon Marisol Paris right bank:33ter rue des Tournelles, 75003 Paris. 01 44 61 18 34. Open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Thursdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Salon Marisol Paris left bank:24 rue de Sèvres, 75007 Paris. 01 71 37 86 21. Open Monday to Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. .