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How to save damaged (or downright burnt) hair

A little fable to start with…

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lucie who had jet-black hair. During a trip to Berlin, she decided to bleach her hair and become wheat blonde. After hours of care, she emerges as beautiful as a Russian doll and radiant on a spring morning. Yes but here it is! After several moons, her hair grows and her black roots stand out. She then goes to a new hair magician, in his city this time. And here is the drama ! The wizard overdosed his potion and his hair turned… orange, completely burnt. Something like this:

This little story, girls, is to tell you that coloring and bleaching hurts your hair. Even if your hairdresser pampers your tiffs like a pro, your mane suffers, in ALL cases. That's why you have to pamper it like porcelain.

Rapunzel's Rescue Pack

1. Cut. Is your hair split ends, brittle, or all straws? Sorry girls, there is only one solution:you will have to cut. Let's be real, your ends look like a rat's tail and to save the rest you have to amputate slightly.

And then it's the opportunity to test new cuts! Squares are in fashion by the way. (Even Rapunzel got into it)

2. Head to the kitchen! Grab two eggs (for protein), two tablespoons of olive oil (for the nourishing effect), a square of chocolate, mix everything (except the chocolate, you swallow it to cheer yourself up ), apply the result to your hair, massage it, comb it, wrap your head in cellophane (just the hair, eh, otherwise you'll die) then wait 15 minutes, or even overnight. That's it.

3. Nivea cream is a bit like the Chanel N°5 of cosmetics. So why not try it on your hair? Take a dab of cream - the one in the round, flat blue jar - massage your hair with it, comb it all through and wait half an hour. Wash them and they will be silky like your kitten's hair. And what's more, it only costs about 2 euros! Far from overpriced products...

4. Make yourself oil masks:avocado (then shampoo), sweet almond (as a mask) or even argan oil (overnight, hair in cellophane).

5. Brewer's yeast. Come on, a little cure of six tablets a day for 3 months! You will feel like a grandmother taking all these cachtons but keep in mind that the first results appear after only 2 weeks. And if you're motivated, there are also hair capsules that will provide you with all the minerals you need to regain body.

6. Don't:Get other hair colors or perms or worse, use a straightener (remember the first video).

Here is ! Your hair has regained strength. So now we continue to pamper them! As my grandma would say, prevention is better than cure.