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How to fight against hair loss?

The factors of hair loss

Certain factors promote hair loss, regardless of age. With each hormonal upheaval, for example, we can observe a more or less significant hair loss:end of pregnancy, menopause, change of pill, etc. Some medications also cause hair loss:if in doubt, remember to check the instructions! Another factor responsible for hair loss:cigarettes, which have a harmful effect on the vascularization of the scalp. Results ? Hair is poorly supplied with nutrients and falls out one after another. A good reason to quit smoking! Stress, too, can contribute to hair loss. Did you have a period of significant stress a few months ago? This may be the reason for your hair loss! Finally, be aware that the beginning of autumn is a particularly favorable time of the year for hair loss.

How to protect your hair?

To find dense and healthy hair, follow the beauty advice we offer. First thing to do:invest in a hair loss lotion and / or take a vitamin cure, especially B5 and B8. Then take it easy and adopt a healthier lifestyle. A good diet combined with the regular practice of a sport will allow you to avoid deficiencies and free yourself from stress. When you do your hair, also do your gestures gently:no need to pull on your hair to get a nice ponytail! Prefer mild shampoos and be sure to limit drying at maximum speed. Finally, if the situation persists, take the time to consult a dermatologist. This professional can then tell you if your hair loss is normal or more worrying, and then direct you towards appropriate solutions (hair transplant, for example).