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How to strengthen your hair in autumn?

Dull, brittle, wispy... our hair doesn't particularly appreciate the return to school. And not to do things by halves, fall is also often accompanied by seasonal hair loss which is not the most pleasant. How to strengthen your hair in the fall? What to do against seasonal hair loss? We tell you everything.

Why does our hair suffer in autumn?

Since the start of the school year, your hair has looked sad. With autumn coming, they are duller, more brittle, and above all, you have the impression of losing a lot! Don't panic, it's normal.

In autumn as in spring, it is not uncommon to notice a seasonal hair loss . We call it chronobiology:our body reacts and adapts to the seasons.

Normally, we lose 100 to 150 hairs a day. At seasonal changes, this can reach 200 to 250. This is a phenomenon that you can observe for 4 weeks, at most.

At the same time, other factors can be the cause of weakened hair, or even hair loss:

  • The sun and the holiday swims that dried out your hair
  • Stress that makes hair more brittle or causes hair loss
  • Pollution that has an impact on our skin and our hair, and contributes to making it dry and brittle
  • A hormonal change, which causes sudden hair loss
  • Bad weather and humidity, which leads to a lack of vitamin D and the appearance of frizz.

At a glance, there would quickly be enough to despair, but don't panic:Veld's has many tips for pampering your hair !

How to strengthen your hair in the fall?

Stop hair loss:strengthen your hair from the inside

To strengthen your hair from the inside, brewer's yeast is an ally of choice! It is found as a food supplement, or in flakes, to sprinkle in dishes. Rich in vitamin B, it actively participates in the synthesis of keratin . Keratin is a protein that is responsible for the growth of nails and hair, but also for their strength. At the same time, brewer's yeast contains minerals that contribute to the good health of the body, and to strengthen your hair from the inside . Bonuses? You will have beautiful nails in great shape !

A gentle beauty routine for your hair

On a daily basis, we have a small tendency to mistreat our hair, without realizing it. So, in your beauty routine, be careful to treat your hair gently:

  • Avoid ties that are too tight so as not to break or tear the fiber
  • Don't wash your hair every day to avoid drying it out
  • Use dry shampoo sparingly to avoid irritating the scalp
  • Limit the use of hair dryers and styling tools, the heat of which damages the hair
  • Don't wear a head covering too often to avoid irritating the scalp
  • Use care adapted to your hair type and apply a mask at least once a week.

Homemade mask:strengthen your hair naturally

With the arrival of autumn, your hair needs reinforcement:it's time to concoct a little homemade mask! Indeed, just as hydration is essential for the skin, it is also essential for your hair. We therefore put on a moisturizing and nourishing mask, to help them fight against cold temperatures. As far as possible, do a treatment at least once a week, or even twice a week, when the seasons change.

To strengthen your hair naturally , vegetable oils are perfect:coconut oil for frizzy or very curly hair, sweet almond oil for thick hair, jojoba oil for oily hair, argan or avocado oil for dry hair .

Apply the oil to your ends before showering, then leave on for 20 to 30 minutes under a warm towel. Then wash your hair, insisting on the ends:your hair will be soft and full of vigor!