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How to camouflage your gray hair?

Hair mascara, the SOS solution against very localized white hair

Do you only have two or three white hairs scattered on your skull, or are they well located in a single strand? The solution to camouflage them is to opt for hair mascara. As the name suggests, this product comes in the form of a classic mascara for eyelashes, but its formula is adapted to your hair. Choose a shade close to your natural hair color for an understated result.

Tone-on-tone coloring, to hide the first gray hairs

Are your gray hairs starting to invade your hair? Don't rush into permanent color just yet. First of all, consider a tone-on-tone coloring, much softer with the hair fiber, and above all less restrictive to maintain, without ugly root effect. The tone-on-tone coloring helps to enhance the color and standardize it. All the hair benefits.

Permanent coloring, as a last resort for really white hair

Your white hair has now invaded your whole head? You now have no choice if you want to camouflage them effectively:you have to consider permanent coloring. This technique is a little more aggressive, because the pigments will lodge in the very fiber of the hair. Result:the color will completely cover the white hair, and this in a lasting way. But beware, this technique requires very regular maintenance:shampoos and care for colored hair, touch-ups at the hairdresser every six to eight weeks or so... This is the price to pay for maintaining beautiful hair color, and saying goodbye to white hair.