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How to prevent seasonal hair loss?

At certain times of the year, you notice hair loss more important than usual? Don't panic, this is a perfectly normal natural phenomenon.

Nevertheless, it is possible to prevent and reduce this transient alopecia, during which you can lose up to 100 hairs per day. Shampoos, treatments, good habits and diet:we tell you everything to restore health and vitality to your scalp and your lengths, to prevent seasonal hair loss !

How to prevent seasonal hair loss?

In which season do people often lose their hair?

Generally, there is more hair loss at the time of seasonal changes . This phenomenon occurs especially in spring and autumn, which are periods during which the luminosity and the exposure to the sun change. This period of seasonal hair loss in men and women most often lasts 4-6 weeks, but can last up to 3 months.

If you notice that you are losing your hair for the rest of the year or if the duration of the loss exceeds several months, another problem may be at play (poor absorption of iron, depression, taking certain medications, etc.). It will then be necessary to take the time to consult a dermatologist or a hair specialist.

How to prevent seasonal hair loss?

What causes seasonal hair loss in men and women?

The number one reason for hair loss in fall or spring is the sun. Indeed, these two seasons mark a transition between a period when the sun is rare and a period when we are regularly exposed to the sun (and vice versa). However, these rays of the sun have an action on the secretion of hormones and the growth of the hair, which is then upset. The arrival of the cold can also be synonymous with seasonal hair loss in men or women, because it weakens the hair.

To this can be added other phenomena, which will tend to make the hair fall like dead leaves in an even more pronounced way:

  • a particular event, source of stress and anxiety, even a psychological shock;
  • a nutritional deficiency , preventing the body from having everything it needs for hair renewal;
  • the use of unsuitable hair products or repeated use of a hair straightener or very hot hair dryer;
  • fatigue , which often appears in the fall, with the start of the school year, the light decreasing, etc.;
  • attacks on the hair during the summer, due to the sun, sea water, chlorine, etc.;
  • daily hairstyles with tight elastics, which attack the hair fiber (bun, ponytail, etc.).

How to avoid seasonal hair loss with care?

To keep hair healthy all year round, there is a whole range of washing and care products. If you are looking for a natural treatment for seasonal hair loss , so we have some solutions to advise you!

The right shampoo according to hair problems

We know that conventional shampoos and conditioners tend to attack the scalp and weaken the hair. At first, it is therefore advisable to turn to natural products , whose virtues are well known for hair care. Be careful, however, to choose a shampoo that matches your hair type:moisturizer for dry hair, purifying for oily hair, etc. In this way, you will be able to give your hair what it needs, allowing it to look more beautiful and grow back more easily.

How to prevent seasonal hair loss?

The natural fortifying shampoo for fragile hair

Seasonal hair loss in men or women is often more pronounced when one has fragile hair, whether naturally or by dint of aggressive coloring or repeated passes with a straightening iron. hair, it may therefore be interesting to wash the scalp and ends with a fortifying shampoo, composed for example of keratin and/or vitamins .

Vegetable oils to promote hair regrowth

Among your best allies against mid-season hair loss, also count on certain vegetable oils . Treatments based on argan oil, castor oil, wheat germ oil or even black cumin oil can work miracles! To be used in prevention, but also at any time of the year, for strong, shiny and soft hair. Discover the benefits of argan oil for hair in our article!

The anti-hair loss cure based on specific treatments

Some ranges of natural products are also specially designed to fight against hair loss. By combining anti-hair loss serum , shampoo, conditioner, lotion and other hair loss treatments during your hair routine , you will see less hair fall during the usual seasonal hair loss period. Discover our tips for boosting hair growth!

Massage to stimulate the scalp

One of the simple ways to promote hair growth and strengthen it is self-massage. Before each shampoo, for example, massage your skull with your fingertips, so as to revive the microcirculation at the level of the hair bulb. The nutrients will thus be better transported to the hair, which will gain in vitality and will therefore be less likely to fall. And in addition, this kind of massage is a real moment of pleasure, which will help you relax!

How to fight hair loss in autumn and spring with diet?

How to prevent seasonal hair loss?

We never repeat it enough:what we put on our plate has an impact on the beauty of our skin, on our appearance, but also on our hair! To prevent them from falling en masse in autumn or spring, it is therefore important to eat a balanced diet and replenish some specific nutrients.

Foods good for hair vitality

Needless to say, alcohol and tobacco don't mix well with healthy hair . But do you know which foods to eat to minimize seasonal hair loss?

Bet first on proteins, vitamin B, zinc and iron:white and red meats, eggs, seafood, whole grains, nuts, almonds, lentils, etc. There are therefore a large number of different foods to consume to obtain the vitamins and minerals essential for good hair health .

Food supplements as an anti-hair loss treatment

Some people with a specific diet, allergies or nutrient absorption problems can also rely on food supplements to strengthen their hair . Complementary products composed of amino acids, zinc, nettle, trace elements or even vitamins can thus restore more strength to the hair, or even eliminate the toxins they contain, so as to limit their fall.

So, ready to face seasonal hair loss with peace of mind? With our few tips, you can limit the breakage! Ask us your questions in the comments!