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Suffering from hair loss?

QUESTION:In recent years I have lost a lot of my blond (and now some gray) hair. As far as I know, I don't suffer from extreme hair loss, but simply no more hair is 'made up'. How can I solve this problem?

ANSWER: “First of all, it's a fact that blonde hair is naturally thinner than dark hair. And yes, the hair also suffers a bit with age.

The growth cycle of a hair can be divided into three stages. First the growth phase that lasts about five years, then the resting phase that lasts five weeks and finally the loss phase. Research has shown that the hair follicle is programmed to 25 cycles by making. So if we assume 25 cycles, we would have hair for 125 years at best.

However, it is often the case that due to an unbalanced diet, stress, diseases and hormones the cycle speeds up. When you lose more than the usual hundred hairs a day, we talk about hair loss. In your case it is probably the aging the cause of the hair loss.

With a nutritional supplement and/or a special cure that prevents hair loss, you can try to slow down this process and keep the hair you still have (ask at your drugstore or pharmacy).

But: when the hair follicle no longer produces hair, there is nothing that can be done about it with nutritional supplements or spa products.”

Ton Retera, director technique L'Oréal DPP