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Suffering from hair loss? This is what you can do about it

Many women experience hair loss sooner or later in their lives. Do you also suffer from hair loss? You can do this without it costing you a lot of money

Hair growth is determined by genes

Before you run to the store for all kinds of expensive stuff:hair growth is determined by your genes. That also explains why some people can never grow long hair. You can really try anything and everything, but if you don't have a talent for long hair, your hair will never grow long.

Of course, that doesn't mean you have to settle for your hair loss. You can often treat hair loss, depending on the cause of the hair loss.

Hair loss causes

Before you get tips to tackle hair loss, first of all, it is necessary to look at the cause of hair loss. Hair loss can be caused by:

  • Stress
  • Hormones/during and after pregnancy/contraception
  • Iron deficiency
  • Thyroid disease
  • Underweight
  • Medications
  • Medical treatments such as chemotherapy
  • Hair loss is hereditary (so check with your parents to see what their hair is like)
  • Auto immune disease
  • Exposure to too many chemicals
  • Nutrient deficiency (Zinc and Vitamin B)
  • Washing too much
  • Use of wrong products and chemical treatments

Normal hair growth and hair loss

Before you panic, you should of course first know about normal hair growth and how much hair loss is normal. For starters, your hair grows pretty slow. This is also hereditary and differs from 0.35 mm to 1 cm per month.

Losing hair is also very normal. With an amount of 50 to 100 hairs per day, you don't have to worry. This is a normal amount that you don't have to worry about. Moreover, it is not necessary to take any measures.

Suffering from hair loss? Here's what you can do about it

Do you have more than average hair loss? Then you can try the tips below. And no, you really don't have to spend tons of money on all kinds of promising products.

Look at your diet

Our appearance is determined by what we eat and drink. So you wonder why do I have hair loss? Then look at your diet. For optimal hair growth, your body needs to get enough iron, zinc and B vitamins, especially biotin. Have your iron checked by the doctor. You should not just take zinc, because it can have (serious) side effects. Biotin can be found in eggs, liver, milk, peanuts and other nuts. You can safely eat these.

Also watch your weight. Do you follow a certain diet? Are you eating way too little? Or limited? Then you can become underweight and that can also be a cause of hair loss. The following also applies here:watch your diet.

The right hair care

Sometimes hair loss has to do with how you take care of your hair. For example, you can wash your hair too often or wash it incorrectly. With these tips for washing your hair you are already taking a step in the right direction. In addition, use the right products when washing.

Many shampoos, conditioners and masks contain ingredients that are not very good for your hair. Think of parabens, sulfates, silicones and different types of alcohol. All these additives cause damage to your hair. Therefore, choose natural hair care products without all these additives.

It doesn't stop with washing, of course. If you frequently dye, style or otherwise treat your hair with heat or chemical products, there is a good chance that you will suffer from more hair loss. Embrace the natural style of your hair (straight, wavy or curly) and care for your hair with products that support it. Do you want to dye your hair? Then use natural means to dye your hair. More and more hairdressers are switching to less chemical paint. Ask your hairdresser about this.

Give your body time to recover

If your hair loss is the result of a stressful period, you need to give your body time to recover from it. This also applies to, for example, a pregnancy. Your body should be given enough time to recover after delivery. Both stress and childbirth have a major impact, including on your hair growth.

Drugs as a cause of hair loss

Is the loss of your hair related to drug use? Do you no longer take this medication or do you have to continue taking it for a long time? Then it is advisable to consult with your doctor. Once you have stopped taking certain medications, your body needs time to adjust. As a result, the effect of falling hair can last for a while, even after you have stopped taking the medication.

When to go to the doctor with hair loss?

Do you feel like you lose more than 100 hairs a day? Can't find the cause based on the tips above? Or does it really become visible that you are losing hair? Then it is advisable to ring the bell. A call to the doctor to have your blood tested, for example, can remove a lot of uncertainty.

What not to do in case of hair loss?

Sometimes you see that people advertise with all kinds of (expensive) remedies against hair loss. However, you do not need expensive resources. As mentioned, everything is determined by genes anyway. In addition, the influence of nutrition, minerals and vitamins should not be underestimated. Hair vitamins can help if you do indeed have deficiencies. If this is not the case, then it is of no use.