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5 signs that you are suffering from excessive hair loss

5 signs that you are suffering from excessive hair loss

We all have hair loss, some more than others. On average, we lose about 100 hairs a day. But when exactly do you suffer from excessive hair loss? Do you recognize yourself in the following 5 signs? Then you can discuss this with your GP or a hair specialist!

1. Your tail is getting thinner

Do you notice that you now have to put your hair elastic around your tail more often to secure it? And is your tail itself a lot less full than you were used to? That is a signal that your hair is starting to thin. You can probably also feel that by how thin your hair feels in your hands.

Read also :'How often should you replace your hairbrush?'

2. You see more scalp with your parting

Whether you wear a center part or a side part, as your hair begins to thin, you will see more of your scalp in your parting. So do you see more of your scalp than you are used to? Then that is a signal that you are suffering from hair loss. You can take pictures of your parting just to be sure so that you can check every now and then whether you are indeed starting to see your scalp better.

3. Your hairline is receding

You are probably familiar with the phenomenon that men have their hairline receding as they get older. But this can also happen to women, although it is less common. Women generally tend to have thinner hair. But you do see it sometimes. Do you notice your hairline receding further? This can be caused by wearing tight ponytails/buns/braids or hair extensions.

4. Your hair is less full

Everyone has a day when her hair is a bit more lifeless and less full than usual. But have you noticed that you have recently suffered from a less full coupe? Then that can also be a sign of excessive hair loss. Only you know the normal thickness and fullness of your hair, so keep checking for small changes to see if they last.

5. You will find more hair in your brush and shower drain

Our hair has a cycle of two phases, the growth phase and the resting phase. Most of your hair follicles are often in the growth phase. But if you experience an imbalance, for example due to stress, it may be that they enter the resting phase. Have you seen more hair in your brush or shower lately? Or even in your clothes, in bed or in your car? Then it could just be that you suffer from excessive hair loss.