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Mascara is a favorite

Mascara is a favorite

The favorite beauty product of Dutch women is mascara. This is apparent from research by Panelwizard on behalf of Etos.

No less than 85 percent of women in the Netherlands use makeup † The survey, which was conducted among 500 women, clearly shows that beauty plays an important role in the life of the Dutch woman. Women pay the most attention to their eyes (66 percent), followed by hair (13 percent) and mouth (7 percent).

Favorite beauty products:
– Mascara (74 percent)
– Eye pencil or eye shadow (66 percent)
– Lipstick (41 percent)

Cleanse face
The survey also shows that less than half of women cleanse their face every night † 14 percent of women say they never cleanse when it gets late after going out.

One in five women follow her beauty rituals daily for between twenty and thirty minutes and a small part of the women even more than half an hour.

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