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How attractive do we find ourselves?

How attractive do we find ourselves?

Dutch women are generally quite satisfied with themselves, according to the Body &Beauty survey, which was conducted in collaboration with Bio-Oil. Read on for the facts.

What grade do you give yourself?
Half of the respondents give her appearance a 7. Almost 20 percent consider themselves worthy of an 8. 10 percent rated themselves unsatisfactory. We also assume that our partner is very satisfied with our appearance. 12 percent think her partner gives her appearance a 9.

Improvement points
Of course there are still points that we would rather see more beautiful or better. The weight is marked with dot on 1. In addition, the abdomen is a point of dissatisfaction for half of the women. 36.9 percent would like to have more beautiful skin.

And further…
– 60 percent of women think they are more beautiful after pregnancy than before.
– 85 percent have a scar somewhere on her body. Most of the scars are on the stomach and face.
– We also look at other women and their appearance. We find other women most attractive if they have a well-groomed appearance (88.6 percent), a radiant smile, a beautiful glance, good humor, pay attention to personal hygiene, smell nice, have beautiful teeth or beautiful breasts, legs or buttocks.
– 7.7 percent find crow's feet attractive on other women.

Source:Bio-Oil | Image:Shutterstock